Thank you very much for the quick answer, i effectively forgot to look into the changes notes
Posts made by Tng
RE: Cinema 4D Connector is not working on 2023.2.0
Cinema 4D Connector is not working on 2023.2.0
As said in the title, Cinema 4D Connector is not loading in 2023.2.0 version. Do you have any ETA for a fix ? I would like to dev on the latest cinema 4d but without the connector it is much more time consuming
Thanks in advance! -
RE: How to get octane aov manager in python
@Dunhou I know about your redshift api that's why i asked about octane since i didn't find it on your github
Would you be open to collaboration on the Octane API ? Here is my discord if you wanna talk about it : ShivaMist#8262
RE: How to get octane aov manager in python
@Dunhou said in How to get octane aov manager in python:
First of all , I think Octane is out of supports in cafe , you should connect to otoy ( but I think that is a not a good conversation experience and you mostly get no feedback) Octane refuse to provide any sdk as I know , I don't know why that happened
I've managed to get help from Aoktar in the forum, but you have to be persistent and kinda spam the post every two weeks haha.
One question, since i'm trying to do the same; build some automation with C4D/Octane/Redshift, is your Octane api helper available anywhere ? I'm stuck on a few topics like AOV and the BaseContainer options
RE: Change textures path from GetAllAssetNew in the new node editor
Thank you very much for this example it is very helpful! I have integrated it into my code and it works so well
I've combed through your code and comments, i think i get most of it!! I will try to integrate other nodes spaces and post the result if the code can be of use to anyone
One question regarding Assets from the asset browser, in the case of a random machine that is rendering via command-line, is the Asset stored in the Project File or will it be downloaded if's missing ?
Thanks again for the help ferdinand!!
Change textures path from GetAllAssetNew in the new node editor
First of all a disclaimer, I'm a beginner in python and coding in general, so if i'm doing things the wrong way don't hesitate to point me to the relevant documentation
For context, this script is aimed to rassemble all the used textures of the scene into a folder, either on a local disk or network storage in a studio environment. The goal is to support all shader types, and for the moment i have Standard, Octane and RS Xpresso thanks to some code from Aoktar and r_gigante.
My problem lies with the new Node Editor and material system which confuses me a lot.
I think i have read all the topics talking about textures paths, i even tried to understand the RS Api made by DunHouGo but i couldn't find anything that ressemble the workflow i'm using for the other types of materials.I think i will also have a problem down the line with my method to compare filename if the texture is located in the asset browser, so if you have any pointers towards that would be incredible!
Here is the code :
import pipelineLib import os import shutil import c4d import filecmp import maxon def get_tex_path_local(): path = d:\\02_3D\\c4d_cache return local_path def sync_folders(src_folder, dst_folder): # FILE SYNC if not os.path.exists(dst_folder): os.makedirs(dst_folder) print(f"The destination folder '{dst_folder}' was created") src_files = set(os.listdir(src_folder)) dst_files = set(os.listdir(dst_folder)) # Find files that are in src_folder but not in dst_folder new_files = src_files - dst_files for filename in new_files: src_file = os.path.join(src_folder, filename) dst_file = os.path.join(dst_folder, filename) with open(src_file, 'rb') as fsrc: with open(dst_file, 'wb') as fdst: fdst.write( # Find files that are in both src_folder and dst_folder common_files = src_files & dst_files for filename in common_files: src_file = os.path.join(src_folder, filename) dst_file = os.path.join(dst_folder, filename) if not filecmp.cmp(src_file, dst_file): with open(src_file, 'rb') as fsrc: with open(dst_file, 'wb') as fdst: fdst.write( def get_doc(): doc = c4d.documents.GetActiveDocument() return doc def get_materials_dict(): if not hasattr(get_materials_dict, 'textures'): doc = get_doc() textures = list() c4d.documents.GetAllAssetsNew(doc, False, "", c4d.ASSETDATA_FLAG_TEXTURESONLY, textures) get_materials_dict.textures = textures for t in textures: print("DICT:", t) return get_materials_dict.textures def set_redshift_node_path_local(): output_path = get_tex_path_local() #Get the new path textures = get_materials_dict() # GetAllAssetsNew textures_rs = [t for t in textures if 'texturesampler' in str(t['nodePath'])] # Clean the dictionary for t in textures_rs: textureOwner = t["owner"] filename = t["filename"] head, tail = os.path.split(filename) # Filename extract new_filename = os.path.join(output_path, tail) # Filename merge if not os.path.exists(new_filename) and "\\images\\" not in filename: # Verify if the file exist in the folder shutil.copy2(filename, new_filename) if filename == new_filename: print("File already exist in local cache") # Identical file check ... elif "d:\\02_3D\\c4d_cache" in filename: print("File already exist in local cache") # Folder path check ... elif "\\images\\" in filename: # Skip Roto/Plate images on the server print("File skipped") ... else: try: # Set the new path, this is where it's not working print("try") textureOwner[maxon.Id("com.redshift3d.redshift4c4d.nodes.core.texturesampler.tex0")] = new_filename except: print("Not supported, use other scripts") # notify Cinema about the changes c4d.EventAdd()
This is what the console outputs :
# Verify if the project is connected to the pipe tpl : \\my\network\folder # Local cache output path resolved if the pipe exist, otherwise print error and return tpl : d:\02_3D\c4d_cache\motion_dev\tex DICT: {'filename': 'C:\\Users\\myname\\Downloads\\camellia-4881662.jpg', 'assetname': 'C:\\Users\\myname\\Downloads\\camellia-4881662.jpg', 'channelId': 3, 'netRequestOnDemand': True, 'owner': <c4d.Material object called Mat/Mat with ID 5703 at 3191915188736>, 'exists': True, 'paramId': -1, 'nodePath': 'texturesampler@A$nLrnAxFRmq2S7wjxLCrZ', 'nodeSpace': 'com.redshift3d.redshift4c4d.class.nodespace'} DICT: {'filename': 'C:\\Users\\myname\\Pictures\\images.jpg', 'assetname': 'C:\\Users\\myname\\Pictures\\images.jpg', 'channelId': 3, 'netRequestOnDemand': True, 'owner': <c4d.Material object called Mat.1/Mat with ID 5703 at 3191915354112>, 'exists': True, 'paramId': -1, 'nodePath': 'texturesampler@Bsjai0RbH5Gt2sgzcSnRtl', 'nodeSpace': 'com.redshift3d.redshift4c4d.class.nodespace'} try try
But unfortunatly the path doesn't change, i know it's wrong but i cannot wrap my head around this logic for the moment
Thank you in advance for any help you can provide!