Hello, Ferdinand!
Thank you for your attention to my question, your time, and your academic explanations.
Hello, Ferdinand!
Thank you for your attention to my question, your time, and your academic explanations.
Hey Ferdinand!
Thank you for the clarification.
Forgive my ignorance, I am new to Python, give me a link to the material describing the notation...
doc: c4d.documents.BaseDocument # The currently active document.
op: c4d.BaseObject | None # The primary selected object in `doc`. Can be `None`
def main() -> None:
I understand that the literals "doc:", "op:" denote variables, but variables are assigned using the "=" sign, and here the ":" sign is used.
What is the difference?
"def main() -> None:" as I understand it, indicates that the main() function does not return anything.
Could you send me a link where I can read about this notation?
edit (@ferdinand): I have forked this question since it deviated from the subject of the original posting. Please open new topics for new subjects. But since this question comes up again and again, I decided to answer it in an exhaustive manner for future reference. This subject is technically out of scope of support, as it is about a Python feature and we cannot teach you how Python works (but I made here an exception as this keeps confusing beginners).
Hey Ferdinand!
To the request
Shows this message
<c4d.TextureTag object called Material/Material with ID 5616 at 2260375040320>
But when I try to change the value of TEXTURETAG_PROJECTION with the line
As I understand, I refer to the TEXTURE tag....
then I get the message
NameError: name 'Material' is not defined. Did you mean: 'material'?
And in the description of the parameters c4d.TextureTag, there is no value TEXTURETAG_PROJECTION.
How to correctly refer to the material tag?
This approach doesn't work.???
For the object selected in the scene, a new material tag is added. By default, the projection type of the new material tag is set to spherical.
How to change the projection type of the new material tag?
# Step 1: Create a new material
material = c4d.BaseMaterial(c4d.Mmaterial) # Creating new material
material.SetName("MyMat") # Assigning a name to a material
For a newbie in Python programming, it is very difficult to understand the large volume of documentation.
In other programming environments, for example for AfterEffects, there are functions that show the assigned effects, and field values, for a certain scene object.
Is there a trick that allows you to print the field properties of a certain tag of such an object?
Hi Ferdinand!
Thank you. It worked.
Hi Ferdinand!
Thank you for your attention to my problem.
I took into account your comments and reworked the script. But when I run it, the console shows an error:
ModuleNotFoundError:No module named 'mxutils'
How to install a module 'mxutils' in the C4D environment?
Hello everyone.
I am new to C4D scripts.
I may have posted this message in the wrong section of this forum, please let me know if that happened.
I want to create a script to get a material with certain properties and assign it to an object selected in the scene.
For the Brightness and Displacement channels, images from the disk are added.
import c4d
from c4d import storage
def main():
# doc = c4d.documents.BaseDocument
# Step 1: Create a new material
material = c4d.BaseMaterial(c4d.Mmaterial) # Creating new material
material.SetName("MyMat") # Assigning a name to a material
doc.InsertMaterial(material) # type: ignore # Adding material to a document
# Step 2: Disable the Color Channel
material[c4d.MATERIAL_USE_COLOR] = False
# Step 3: Disable the Reflectivity channel
material[c4d.MATERIAL_USE_REFLECTION] = False
#Step 4: Enable the Brightness channel
material[c4d.MATERIAL_USE_LUMINANCE] = True
# Step 5: Select a texture file for the Brightness channel
luminance_texture_path = storage.LoadDialog(type=c4d.FILESELECTTYPE_IMAGES, title="Select a texture for the Brightness channel")
if luminance_texture_path: # Checking if the user has selected a file
luminance_shader = c4d.BaseShader(c4d.Xbitmap) # Create a shader for the image
luminance_shader[c4d.BITMAPSHADER_FILENAME] = luminance_texture_path # Assigning a path to a file
material[c4d.MATERIAL_LUMINANCE_SHADER] = luminance_shader # Assigning a shader to a material
# Step 6: Enable the DISPLACEMENTt channel
# Step 7: Select a texture file for the Displacement channel
displacement_texture_path = storage.LoadDialog(type=c4d.FILESELECTTYPE_IMAGES, title="Select a texture for the Displacement channel")
if displacement_texture_path: # Checking if the user has selected a file
displacement_shader = c4d.BaseShader(c4d.Xbitmap) # Create a shader for the image
displacement_shader[c4d.BITMAPSHADER_FILENAME] = displacement_texture_path # Assigning a path to a file
material[c4d.MATERIAL_DISPLACEMENT_SHADER] = displacement_shader # Assigning a path to a file
# Updating the material to apply the changes
material.Update(True, True)
# Step 8: Assign material to selected objects
selected_objects = doc.GetActiveObjects(c4d.GETACTIVEOBJECTFLAGS_0) # type: ignore # Get a list of selected objects
if selected_objects: # Checking if objects are selected
for obj in selected_objects:
texture_tag = c4d.TextureTag() # Create a new texture tag
texture_tag.SetMaterial(material) # Assigning the material to the tag
obj.InsertTag(texture_tag) # Add a tag to the object
# Updating the scene
# Script running
if __name__ == '__main__':
Why are the selected images for the material shaders not assigned to the specified shader?
edit (@ferdinand):
@lednevandrey said:
Script for S4D 2023.2