I apologize, the translator does not help much, as I said, I created a spline chain, where the depth of its handles depends on the length of the spline, my problem was that when I did it with only xpresso, it showed errors when rotating, because it took time update.
thinking that the error was either hierarchy, the spline node, or how to order the xpresso I did the same thing but with a python tag, despite this the same problem was present.
import c4d
#Welcome to the world of Python
def main():
spline = op[c4d.ID_USERDATA,2] # spline object
length = c4d.utils.SplineLengthData(spline)
Long = length.GetLength()
op[c4d.ID_USERDATA,1][10004] = Long /3.783
#[10004] = control depth 1 iKsplinetag
op[c4d.ID_USERDATA,1][10014] = Long /3.783
#[10014] = control depth 2 iKsplinetag
And speaking of the number "3,783" I used it only for my purpose as it corrected the strength of the depth of the controls