It is a blocking render using Commandline.exe
Are these questions?
An information.
In reply to your statements "The advantage is that with a thread one can realize non-blocking rendering with it" and to use "CallCommand".
But when you start another Cinema 4D.exe, or CommandLine.exe, or c4dpy.exe on the same machine,
they would all have their own render queue.
But if a new instance of C4D does not use the same render queue settings, how does it come that the same render queue is availabIe if I restart C4D?
Thats what I mean. The render queue settings/items are not bound to the executable instance, they are bound to the user settings.
Which means the artist has to clear the render queue every time he starts C4D.
And he looses old items on C4D restart.
But that would be an issue on MacOS only.
And still better than wrong frames.
(not quite sure how you use the CommandLine in this context)
The only Python code which will run in a CommandLine are plugins
Yes, you did not offer to run scripts directly, therefore we have written a plugin.
Our plugin works for 11 years now, since C4D version R16.
(We still have to support older C4D versions as well, but perhaps we create some new connection with a version switch in the future. But for now adding other features is more important)
Renderings in themself are not blocking
I know, I am familiar with the multi-threading of renderers.
Your function doRender() has already implemented blocking.
So blocking is not an issue.
letting GPU render slaves run on a machine an artist is actively working on
I know. We are working with Redshift since the first beta version.
I did not mean that 2 GPUs jobs run at the same time.
(With the exception that we offer the option to split your GPUs if you have multiple installed)
But it can run at night.
And there are CPU renderer which can be assigned to some cores of the machine while an artist is working