Hi Maxime,
Thank you very much for taking your time answering my questions.
It was quiet a journey for me to install the watchdog module - but i've got it. Now it's there, inside my Cinema4D-Skript-Manager yay!
First, as you suggested, i'm just care about this watchdog.thingy and try to find out, how to use this. I think/hope the rest of my stuff is not that hard to do, because it seems much simpler to me. (In some pretty primitve skript-stuff i've got some experience. - so as i've got the text-import working in the Python-Expresso-Node.)
...but this watchdog.stuff seems to start a background-routine witch is not directly dependent to the Cinema4D-Environment. But i can start it from the Skript Manager and i can get the file-change event back into the skript - am i right there? ...or do i think wrong about?
I've found this manual for watchdog:
If you should have some more time: Could you give me a hint, how to implement this inside my c4d-script?
Once again: Thank you so far