Hello, I'm using a Volume Builder, with Volume Type Fog and I'm getting some results I didn't expect with the location of the voxels. Would it be expected that the entire Volume would be filled and 'solid' with Fog mode?
It's not the most elegant test case, but it's the one I can trim down.
//Get the volume from the volume builder object.
maxon::Volume volume = volumeObject->GetVolume();
maxon::GridIteratorRef<maxon::Float32, maxon::ITERATORTYPE::ON> iterator = maxon::GridIteratorRef<maxon::Float32, maxon::ITERATORTYPE::ON>::Create() iferr_return;
maxon::Matrix transform = volume.GetGridTransform();
BaseDocument* doc = GetActiveDocument();
BaseObject* sphere = BaseObject::Alloc(Osphere);
BaseContainer* con = sphere->GetDataInstance();
con->SetFloat(PRIM_SPHERE_RAD, 5);
for (; iterator.IsNotAtEnd(); iterator.StepNext())
const maxon::IntVector32 coord = iterator66.GetCoords();
BaseObject* clone = static_cast<BaseObject*>( sphere->GetClone(COPYFLAGS::NONE, nullptr));
clone->SetAbsPos(transform* Vector(coord));
doc->InsertObject(clone, nullptr, nullptr);
This code will create a sphere at the location of each active voxel. This was the easiest way I could think of showing the active voxels.
If I use a cube underneath a Volume Builder and delete away some of the spheres then the hollow inside, which I didn't think would happen with Fog mode.

Screenshot with the spheres deleted to show the hollow interior.