The goal of the script is that there will be multiple items to set in my script, that then will take those items and loop through rendering. Batch, and deadline are on the list, but I also wanted something that the user is use as they use it all the time - the picture viewer. It would be sorta like Render all takes, but I would set the options between takes/ a bunch of different settings.
In my script I was thinking that I would start a thread that will wait and watch the Picture viewer, and when done change some settings and do it again. I was trying to thread the waiting part of the script, and not the running picture viewer part. Problem is that the picture viewer doesn't do anything until the main thread is done - which makes sense. but when the main thread is done, it seems to kill my threaded thread if I remove thread.Wait() and thread.End().
Looking into c4d.documents.RenderDocument looks promising but I still cant find how to get the feedback of seeing the render as it renders in picture viewer. Played quickly with RENDERFLAGS_CREATE_PICTUREVIEWER, and RENDERFLAGS_OPEN_PICTUREVIEWER - but neither opened the picture viewer. Only thing that did was - c4d.bitmaps.ShowBitmap(bmp) after the single frame was done.