Thanks for your answer, it solved my problem.
I used: Vector::ClampMax()
and Vector::ClampMin()
to limit the tangent to the value I want.
Thanks for your answer, it solved my problem.
I used: Vector::ClampMax()
and Vector::ClampMin()
to limit the tangent to the value I want.
Hi everybody. I find when edit a interior scene or a huge map, it is hard to navigate through only mouse. The best way to control the camera is like FPS games or UE4.
There was vitual walkthrough in cinema 4d however it performs laggy and it's not a flying camera,then it was removed.
My friend write a plugin which make camera read keyboard, however it can only move along the world axis. Besides, it moves about 5 times per sec, laggy too. If anybody knows how to correctly do it, pls tell me thanks.
I used to take in game footage with a xbox controller, find it works perfectly.
So if a combine gamepad and real time keying(cappuccino in c4d), animating camera would be much easier.
These 2 videos demonstrates real time keying with mouse and keyboard to make camera movement and mechanical animations.
But with a gamepad, we can even achieve this level of control inside the soft ware. Follow character movement, focus on the face, camera shake you name it.
3D Connexion SpaceMouse can navigate like a gamepad, but not everybody afford that, and using 1 stick simultaneously to move and rotate is not that accurate.
If you knows how to get the right API, pls leave a comment. That would be really appriciated!