I need FBX 7.x ASCII files
On 15/05/2015 at 10:43, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Can anyone get me some FBX files that are in version 7.x and in ASCII format that include vertex color information.
I have been searching in the internet and it seems impossible to get those.
Maybe I don't know how to search for them... but everything that I get is in a binary format, not in ASCII -
On 16/05/2015 at 00:24, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi, such?:
; FBX 7.1.0 project file ; Copyright (C) 1997-2010 Autodesk Inc. and/or its licensors. ; All rights reserved. ; ---------------------------------------------------- FBXHeaderExtension: { FBXHeaderVersion: 1003 FBXVersion: 7100 CreationTimeStamp: { Version: 1000 Year: 2015 Month: 5 Day: 16 Hour: 13 Minute: 13 Second: 17 Millisecond: 101 } Creator: "FBX PYTHON SDK/FBX" SceneInfo: "SceneInfo::GlobalInfo", "UserData" { Type: "UserData" Version: 100 MetaData: { Version: 100 Title: "" Subject: "" Author: "" Keywords: "" Revision: "" Comment: "" } Properties70: { P: "DocumentUrl", "KString", "Url", "", "02.fbx" P: "SrcDocumentUrl", "KString", "Url", "", "02.fbx" P: "Original", "Compound", "", "" P: "Original|ApplicationVendor", "KString", "", "", "" P: "Original|ApplicationName", "KString", "", "", "" P: "Original|ApplicationVersion", "KString", "", "", "" P: "Original|DateTime_GMT", "DateTime", "", "", "" P: "Original|FileName", "KString", "", "", "" P: "LastSaved", "Compound", "", "" P: 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On 16/05/2015 at 02:10, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Yeah, something like this.
Thank you -
On 16/05/2015 at 04:40, xxxxxxxx wrote:
The FBX exporter in 3ds Max has a lot of options including choosing which FBX version to use.. If you know somebody with a copy of Max they could probably export exactly what you need..
On 18/05/2015 at 10:09, xxxxxxxx wrote:
I'm moving this thread to General discussion, as I don't see anything Python related.