TreeView rows selected?
why are all rows highlighted(Although the selection of the function was correct, the text display color of the entire tree view has been changed) when selecting a row in the TreeView using the c4d.LV_USER parameter in each column (as shown in the left figure), and why is only that row highlighted when selecting a row in the first column using the c4d.LV_TREE parameter (as shown in the right figure)?how it can be done so that when all columns use c4d.LV_USER, the selected row can be activated as shown in the right figure
Thanks for any help!
import c4d import random from c4d import gui # Welcome to the world of Python NAME = 0 LINKTO = 1 LINK = 2 TYPE = 3 class TreeView_Item(object): def __init__(self,): self.type = 'psr' self.selected = False self.obj_name = str(random.randint(1,100)) self.linkto_name = "" @property def IsSelected(self): return self.selected def Select(self): self.selected = True def Deselect(self): self.selected = False def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): return self.obj_name class TreeView(c4d.gui.TreeViewFunctions): def __init__(self,items_list=None): self.items_list = items_list if items_list else [] def GetLineHeight(self,root, userdata, obj, col, area): return area.DrawGetFontHeight() def IsResizeColAllowed(self, root, userdata, lColID): return True def IsTristate(self, root, userdata): return False def GetColumnWidth(self, root, userdata, obj, col, area): """Measures the width of cells. Although this function is called #GetColumnWidth and has a #col, it is not only executed by column but by cell. So, when there is a column with items requiring the width 5, 10, and 15, then there is no need for evaluating all items. Each item can return its ideal width and Cinema 4D will then pick the largest value. Args: root (any): The root node of the tree view. userdata (any): The user data of the tree view. obj (any): The item for the current cell. col (int): The index of the column #obj is contained in. area (GeUserArea): An already initialized GeUserArea to measure the width of strings. Returns: TYPE: Description """ # The default width of a column is 80 units. width = 80 # Replace the width with the text width. area is a prepopulated # user area which has already setup all the font stuff, we can # measure right away. if col == NAME: return area.DrawGetTextWidth(obj.obj_name) + 5 if col == LINKTO: return area.DrawGetTextWidth("-->") + 5 if col == LINK: return area.DrawGetTextWidth(obj.linkto_name) + 5 if col == TYPE: return area.DrawGetTextWidth(obj.type) + 5 return width def GetFirst(self, root, userdata): """ Return the first element in the hierarchy, or None if there is no element. """ rValue = None if not len(self.items_list) else self.items_list[0] return rValue def GetNext(self, root, userdata, obj): """ Returns the next Object to display after arg:'obj' """ rValue = None currentObjIndex = self.items_list.index(obj) nextIndex = currentObjIndex + 1 if nextIndex < len(self.items_list): rValue = self.items_list[nextIndex] return rValue def GetPred(self, root, userdata, obj): """ Returns the previous Object to display before arg:'obj' """ rValue = None currentObjIndex = self.items_list.index(obj) predIndex = currentObjIndex - 1 if 0 <= predIndex < len(self.items_list): rValue = self.items_list[predIndex] return rValue def GetId(self, root, userdata, obj): """ Return a unique ID for the element in the TreeView. """ return hash(obj) def Select(self, root, userdata, obj, mode): print(obj.obj_name) if mode == c4d.SELECTION_NEW: for item in self.items_list: item.Deselect() obj.Select() elif mode == c4d.SELECTION_ADD: obj.Select() elif mode == c4d.SELECTION_SUB: obj.Deselect() def IsSelected(self, root, userdata, obj): return obj.IsSelected def DeletePressed(self, root, userdata): "Called when a delete event is received." for item in reversed(self.items_list): if item.IsSelected: self.items_list.remove(item) def GetName(self, root, userdata, obj): """ Returns the name to display for arg:'obj', only called for column of type LV_TREE """ return str(obj) # Or obj.texturePath def DrawCell(self, root, userdata, obj, col, drawinfo, bgColor): """ Draw into a Cell, only called for column of type LV_USER """ if col == NAME: text = obj.obj_name elif col == LINKTO: text = '-->' elif col == LINK: text = obj.linkto_name elif col == TYPE: text = obj.type else: text = '' canvas = drawinfo["frame"] xpos = drawinfo["xpos"] ypos = drawinfo["ypos"] canvas.DrawText(text, xpos, ypos) def DoubleClick(self, root, userdata, obj, col, mouseinfo): return True class test_dialog(gui.GeDialog): def __init__(self): self._treegui = None self.treeview = TreeView() def CreateLayout(self): # Other than edit fields, buttons do not have a builtin bubble help. customgui = c4d.BaseContainer() customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_BORDER, c4d.BORDER_THIN_IN) customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_HAS_HEADER, True) # True if the tree view may have a header line. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_HIDE_LINES, False) # True if no lines should be drawn. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_MOVE_COLUMN, False) # True if the user can move the columns. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_RESIZE_HEADER, True) # True if the column width can be changed by the user. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_FIXED_LAYOUT, True) # True if all lines have the same height. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_ALTERNATE_BG, True) # Alternate background per line. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_CURSORKEYS, True) # True if cursor keys should be processed. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_NOENTERRENAME, True) # Suppresses the rename popup when the user presses enter. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_NO_MULTISELECT, False) self._treegui = self.AddCustomGui(1000, c4d.CUSTOMGUI_TREEVIEW, "", c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT | c4d.BFV_SCALEFIT, 300, 300, customgui) if not self._treegui: print("[ERROR]: Could not create TreeView") return False self.AddButton(1001, c4d.BFH_CENTER, name="Add") return True def InitValues(self) -> bool: layout = c4d.BaseContainer() layout.SetInt32(NAME, c4d.LV_USER) layout.SetInt32(LINKTO, c4d.LV_USER) layout.SetInt32(LINK, c4d.LV_USER) layout.SetInt32(TYPE, c4d.LV_USER) self.layout = layout self._treegui.SetLayout(4, layout) # Set the header titles. self._treegui.SetHeaderText(NAME, "Name") self._treegui.SetHeaderText(LINKTO, "") self._treegui.SetHeaderText(LINK, "Link") self._treegui.SetHeaderText(TYPE, "Type") # Set TreeViewFunctions instance used by our CUSTOMGUI_TREEVIEW self._treegui.SetRoot(self._treegui, self.treeview, None) self._treegui.Refresh() return True def Command(self, id, msg): if id == 1001: item = TreeView_Item() self.treeview.items_list.append(item) self._treegui.Refresh() return True return True # Execute main() if __name__=='__main__': dlg = test_dialog() dlg.Open(c4d.DLG_TYPE_ASYNC,0 -1,-1,400,400)
This post is deleted! -
Hi @chuanzhen the fact that the first time (when nothing is selected) correctly respect the COLOR_TEXT is kind of a bug for treeview containing only LV_USER.
When you are using LV_USER the DrawCell method is called and you are responsible to define the color of your text via DrawSetTextCol. But if you do not set any text color, the GeUserArea will use the previously defined color. Which is in this case COLOR_TEXT when nothing is selected. Then when you select something, the last call of this
internally done by Cinema 4D define it to "white" color so that's why all texts are white. Then when there is one column that is defined as LV_TREE it will then call DrawSetTextCol with the correct color (COLOR_TEXT or COLOR_TEXT_SELECTED) and therefor your call DrawText will use this color.So with that's said, do not forget to manage your color in your DrawCell method something like that:
txtColorDict = canvas.GetColorRGB(c4d.COLOR_TEXT_SELECTED) if obj.IsSelected else canvas.GetColorRGB(c4d.COLOR_TEXT) txtColorVector = c4d.Vector(txtColorDict["r"]/255.0, txtColorDict["g"]/255.0, txtColorDict["b"]/255.0) canvas.DrawSetTextCol(txtColorVector, bgColor) canvas.DrawText(text, xpos, ypos)
Maxime. -
@m_adam Thanks,it works well
this is code:
import c4d import random from c4d import gui # Welcome to the world of Python NAME = 0 LINKTO = 1 LINK = 2 TYPE = 3 class TreeView_Item(object): def __init__(self,): self.type = 'psr' self.selected = False self.obj_name = str(random.randint(1,100)) self.linkto_name = "" @property def IsSelected(self): return self.selected def Select(self): self.selected = True def Deselect(self): self.selected = False def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): return self.obj_name class TreeView(c4d.gui.TreeViewFunctions): def __init__(self,items_list=None): self.items_list = items_list if items_list else [] def GetLineHeight(self,root, userdata, obj, col, area): return area.DrawGetFontHeight() def IsResizeColAllowed(self, root, userdata, lColID): return True def IsTristate(self, root, userdata): return False def GetColumnWidth(self, root, userdata, obj, col, area): """Measures the width of cells. Although this function is called #GetColumnWidth and has a #col, it is not only executed by column but by cell. So, when there is a column with items requiring the width 5, 10, and 15, then there is no need for evaluating all items. Each item can return its ideal width and Cinema 4D will then pick the largest value. Args: root (any): The root node of the tree view. userdata (any): The user data of the tree view. obj (any): The item for the current cell. col (int): The index of the column #obj is contained in. area (GeUserArea): An already initialized GeUserArea to measure the width of strings. Returns: TYPE: Description """ # The default width of a column is 80 units. width = 80 # Replace the width with the text width. area is a prepopulated # user area which has already setup all the font stuff, we can # measure right away. if col == NAME: return area.DrawGetTextWidth(obj.obj_name) + 5 if col == LINKTO: return area.DrawGetTextWidth("-->") + 5 if col == LINK: return area.DrawGetTextWidth(obj.linkto_name) + 5 if col == TYPE: return area.DrawGetTextWidth(obj.type) + 5 return width def GetFirst(self, root, userdata): """ Return the first element in the hierarchy, or None if there is no element. """ rValue = None if not len(self.items_list) else self.items_list[0] return rValue def GetNext(self, root, userdata, obj): """ Returns the next Object to display after arg:'obj' """ rValue = None currentObjIndex = self.items_list.index(obj) nextIndex = currentObjIndex + 1 if nextIndex < len(self.items_list): rValue = self.items_list[nextIndex] return rValue def GetPred(self, root, userdata, obj): """ Returns the previous Object to display before arg:'obj' """ rValue = None currentObjIndex = self.items_list.index(obj) predIndex = currentObjIndex - 1 if 0 <= predIndex < len(self.items_list): rValue = self.items_list[predIndex] return rValue def GetId(self, root, userdata, obj): """ Return a unique ID for the element in the TreeView. """ return hash(obj) def Select(self, root, userdata, obj, mode): print(obj.obj_name) if mode == c4d.SELECTION_NEW: for item in self.items_list: item.Deselect() obj.Select() elif mode == c4d.SELECTION_ADD: obj.Select() elif mode == c4d.SELECTION_SUB: obj.Deselect() def IsSelected(self, root, userdata, obj): return obj.IsSelected def DeletePressed(self, root, userdata): "Called when a delete event is received." for item in reversed(self.items_list): if item.IsSelected: self.items_list.remove(item) def GetName(self, root, userdata, obj): """ Returns the name to display for arg:'obj', only called for column of type LV_TREE """ return str(obj) # Or obj.texturePath def DrawCell(self, root, userdata, obj, col, drawinfo, bgColor): """ Draw into a Cell, only called for column of type LV_USER """ if col == NAME: text = obj.obj_name elif col == LINKTO: text = '-->' elif col == LINK: text = obj.linkto_name elif col == TYPE: text = obj.type else: text = '' canvas = drawinfo["frame"] xpos = drawinfo["xpos"] ypos = drawinfo["ypos"] txtColorDict = canvas.GetColorRGB(c4d.COLOR_TEXT_SELECTED) if obj.IsSelected else canvas.GetColorRGB( c4d.COLOR_TEXT) txtColorVector = c4d.Vector(txtColorDict["r"] / 255.0, txtColorDict["g"] / 255.0, txtColorDict["b"] / 255.0) canvas.DrawSetTextCol(txtColorVector, bgColor) canvas.DrawText(text, xpos, ypos) def DoubleClick(self, root, userdata, obj, col, mouseinfo): return True class test_dialog(gui.GeDialog): def __init__(self): self._treegui = None self.treeview = TreeView() def CreateLayout(self): # Other than edit fields, buttons do not have a builtin bubble help. customgui = c4d.BaseContainer() customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_BORDER, c4d.BORDER_THIN_IN) customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_HAS_HEADER, True) # True if the tree view may have a header line. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_HIDE_LINES, False) # True if no lines should be drawn. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_MOVE_COLUMN, False) # True if the user can move the columns. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_RESIZE_HEADER, True) # True if the column width can be changed by the user. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_FIXED_LAYOUT, True) # True if all lines have the same height. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_ALTERNATE_BG, True) # Alternate background per line. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_CURSORKEYS, True) # True if cursor keys should be processed. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_NOENTERRENAME, True) # Suppresses the rename popup when the user presses enter. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_NO_MULTISELECT, False) self._treegui = self.AddCustomGui(1000, c4d.CUSTOMGUI_TREEVIEW, "", c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT | c4d.BFV_SCALEFIT, 300, 300, customgui) if not self._treegui: print("[ERROR]: Could not create TreeView") return False self.AddButton(1001, c4d.BFH_CENTER, name="Add") return True def InitValues(self) -> bool: layout = c4d.BaseContainer() layout.SetInt32(NAME, c4d.LV_USER) layout.SetInt32(LINKTO, c4d.LV_USER) layout.SetInt32(LINK, c4d.LV_USER) layout.SetInt32(TYPE, c4d.LV_USER) self.layout = layout self._treegui.SetLayout(4, layout) # Set the header titles. self._treegui.SetHeaderText(NAME, "Name") self._treegui.SetHeaderText(LINKTO, "") self._treegui.SetHeaderText(LINK, "Link") self._treegui.SetHeaderText(TYPE, "Type") # Set TreeViewFunctions instance used by our CUSTOMGUI_TREEVIEW self._treegui.SetRoot(self._treegui, self.treeview, None) self._treegui.Refresh() return True def Command(self, id, msg): if id == 1001: item = TreeView_Item() self.treeview.items_list.append(item) self._treegui.Refresh() return True return True # Execute main() if __name__=='__main__': dlg = test_dialog() dlg.Open(c4d.DLG_TYPE_ASYNC,0 -1,-1,400,400)