Forum Overview
Dear Community,
This posting gives an overview of the structure and rules of this forum.
See our Forum Features topic for an overview of writing postings and uploading data. The Support Procedures topic lines out how we deliver support, which topics are within the scope of support, and the hallmarks of a good technical question.
Forum Structure
The forum is split into multiple sub forums with different purposes.
- News & News: Read the latest news and get information about support procedures and our SDKs.
You cannot create topics in this forum, you can only reply to existing topics and vote postings. - Information & Downloads: Fetch the latest downloads and tools for our SDKs.
You cannot create topics in this forum, you can only reply to existing topics and vote postings. - SDK Support
- Cinema 4D SDK: Ask questions about the Cinema 4D API or discuss your plugin solutions.
You can create topics and polls in this forum and reply to and vote existing postings. - Cineware SDK: Ask questions about the Cineware API or discuss your solutions.
You can create topics and polls in this forum and reply to and vote existing postings. - Cineware SDK: Ask questions about the ZBrush API or discuss your solutions.
You can create topics and polls in this forum and reply to and vote existing postings. - Bugs: Browse the known bugs in our APIs.
You cannot create topics in this forum (bugs are created by moderators), you can only reply to existing topics and vote postings.
- Cinema 4D SDK: Ask questions about the Cinema 4D API or discuss your plugin solutions.
- Legacy Forum: Contains the legacy forum data.
These forums are read-only in every aspect. - Off Topic: Talk about general programming topics, jobs offers, and everything else.
You can create topics and polls in this forum and reply to and vote existing postings.
Scope of the Forum
This forum exists to provide support for the APIs of Maxon Computer products. And while our Off-Topic forum offers a place for tangential topics, we will close anything else. Explicitly out of scope are:
- Non-programming subjects in general, such as the future of product X, political subjects, or other personal views. Infractions will be closed or deleted and repeated offenders banned.
- End-user subjects such as "How to use the Object Manager?" or "How can I do this and that with Xpresso nodes?". Please reach out to end-user support for such questions.
- Questions about non-Maxon products such as "How would you do this in the Maya API?" or "How can I do this with numpy?" are not allowed in any of the SDK Support forums. But they are allowed in the Off-Topic forum.
Code of Conduct
All posts should be professional and courteous. You have every right to disagree with your fellow community members and explain your perspective, but it should happen in a civil tone. We will not tolerate the following things:
- Non-English Postings: All postings in all threads in this forum must be held in the English language. Maxon Computer reserves the right not to answer support requests in other languages. Users who repeatedly violate this rule might be banned.
- Spam: As spam count unsolicited advertisement for goods, services and/or other web sites, or posts with little, or completely unrelated content. Do not spam the forums with links to your site or product, or try to self-promote your website, business, or forums etc. Spamming also includes sending private messages to many different users. Users who violate this rule will be banned.
- Copyright and NDA Violations: Providing or asking for information on how to illegally obtain copyrighted materials is forbidden. Also not allowed is sharing information that is covered by an NDA. Deliberate offenders will be banned permanently, other cases might only receive a temporary ban or warning.
- Hate Speech and Harassment: All forms of open hate speech such as racist, sexist, or religiously inflammatory comments are forbidden and will lead to users being permanently banned. Other forms of harassment, such as crude or derogatory comments about other users or their work are also not allowed and will also lead to bans.
- Cross-Posting: Please refrain from posting the same question in several threads or derailing other threads with off-topic subjects. Repeated offenders will be temporarily banned.
Support Topic Rules
Additionally, these rules exist for all topics in support forums.
- Singular Question: The initial posting of a question topic must contain a singular question. Do not ask ten things at once, that makes it extremely hard to answer things. Break up your questions into multiple topics. Asking follow-up questions is allowed but they must be bound to the initial subject.
- Singular Posting: Users often discover additional information or even a solution before we can answer. Please consolidate your questions into a singular posting by editing your last posting. It is otherwise not only for us but also for future readers hard to follow the posting. Once we replied to a topic you are of course then free to reply in a new posting. But when you have follow-up questions, all information should again be consolidated in the most recent posting until we answer.
- Singular Subject: From all this follows that a topic must have a singular and sparse subject tied to a specific problem. 'My Nodes API Questions' is not a valid topic as it splits up into too many subtopics. A valid subject could be 'accessing node attributes' or 'traversing a node graph'. One could for example first ask 'how to get the name attribute of a node?' and then ask a follow up question about 'how to get the icon attribute too?'. This specifically applies to plugins, just because you have two problems with one plugin does not mean that they should be asked in the same topic.
Happy coding,
the Maxon SDK GroupThis topic deliberately has been left open for on-topic questions. Due to the informative nature of this topic, it will be strictly moderated.
- News & News: Read the latest news and get information about support procedures and our SDKs.