Script for the automated exchange of textures, rendering layer, save image name using the texture name
edited by @ferdinand
The Google translation of the posting in German below is:
Good day,
A component should be assigned 195 different textures for a configurator.
In order to create the files efficiently, we need a script that exchanges the texture used (e.g. Holz_001) for all textures in a directory (e.g. Holz_001 to Holz_195), saves a file with this texture and renders this texture using the texture designation in the name. (e.g. built-in wall unit with sloping roof_wood_001)
Can you create such a script and how much effort does it take?
Thanks very much
and many greetings
Guten Tag,
Ein Bauteil soll für einen Konfigurator mit 195 verschiedenen Texturen belegt werden.
Um die Dateien effizient zu erstellen benötigen wir ein Script das die eingesetzte Textur (z.B. Holz_001) gegen alle in einem Verzeichnis liegenenden Texturen (z.B. Holz_001 bis Holz_195) austauscht eine Datei mit dieser Textur speichert und diese Textur rendert unter Verwendung der Texturbezeichung im Namen. ( z.B. Einbauschrankwand mit Dachschräge_Holz_001)Können Sie ein solches Script erstellen und wie hoch ist der Aufwand dafür?
Vielen Dank
und viele Grüße -
F ferdinand moved this topic from Cinema 4D SDK on
Hello @Gerling ,
Welcome to the Plugin Café forum and the Cinema 4D development community, it is great to have you with us!
Getting Started
Before creating your next postings, we would recommend making yourself accustomed with our Forum and Support Guidelines, as they line out details about the Maxon SDK Group support procedures.
About your First Question
Your posting was unfortunately in the wrong forum, I have moved it to 'General Talk' as it does not contain a technical question about the Cinema 4D SDK, the prerequisite for posting in the forum of the same name. Job postings are welcome here, it is just that you posted in the wrong forum.
This forum unfortunately also has a strict English-only etiquette, as lined out in our forum guidelines I have linked above.
Both forum and email support requests must be in English. Off-topic threads in the forum are also bound by this rule. Maxon Computer reserves the right not to answer support requests in other languages. Users who repeatedly violate this rule might be banned.
I therefore have edited your posting also with a Google translation of your posting. Please understand that this a service for the first posting only, for future postings you must post in English.
Ferdinand -
Entschuldigung. Vielen Dank.