Search results
Might I make a suggestion for the search functionality?
There is the option to show the result of a search as posts or as topics.
I am fine with the "topics" option only showing the topic title.However, when one uses the "posts" option it would be quite useful to limit the post to -let's say- the first 10 lines.
If the post contains a lot of code, I don't want to see all this in the search result.To illustrate my point:
try a search on "bitmapbutton array" and choose "posts" as result option ...The first topic will probably be:
DDesc BitmapButtons when changed
and you will need to scroll quite some time to get to the second topic:
BitmapButton image change works in R13 but not R14
which also is a lengthy post on itself.
... and so on and so forth.Could there be a way to limit the number of text shown per post? Or at least exclude any code (or collapsing that code) when listing the search result.
Thanks in advance.
Hello @C4DS,
Thank you for reaching out to us and getting involved in shaping Plugin Café. While the requested functionality of yours would certainly be useful, we cannot provide it currently. I agree that the excerpts provided by the search function are too long for the common use case and information needs of users, but fixing that would require us modifying the search engine of NodeBB; as there are to our knowledge no build-in options of NodeBB to modify that excerpt length. We currently do not have the resources to do that customization of the search engine of NodeBB.
Your proposal has been noted and might be taken into consideration in a future iteration of Plugin Café but considering that we just moved to a new system, this might take some time.
Thank you for your understanding,
Ferdinand -
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