How can i set custom Databases paths in prefs with python?
I have a python startup plugin that sets texture paths in Prefs>File Assets! with SetGlobalTexturePaths(...) for all workstations and render slaves. Is there a similar method for setting custom paths for node material Asset Databases (below the File Assets field) ?
Any help appreciated.
these paths are accessed with a preference plugin. You can access that plugin:
plugin = c4d.plugins.FindPlugin(1040566) paths = plugin[c4d.PREF_DATABASE_PATHS] # print paths print(paths) # add a path paths = paths + "\n" + "X:\someting" plugin[c4d.PREF_DATABASE_PATHS] = paths c4d.EventAdd()
best wishes,
Sebastian -
Thanks! Ill try that.
Bonsak -
So im trying to get this to work inside our startup plugin. I can set new database paths but i cant read the existing ones. So im constantly overwriting the paths field.
import c4d import os, sys def PluginMessage(id, data): if id == c4d.C4DPL_PROGRAM_STARTED: try: # Get plugin object plugin = c4d.plugins.FindPlugin(1040566) # Print plugin object print('Plugin {}').format(plugin) # Get existing paths dbPaths = plugin[c4d.PREF_DATABASE_PATHS] # Print existing paths print('Existing DB paths {}').format(dbPaths) # Set new paths dbPaths = dbPaths + "\n" + "S:/_3D_Central/Maxon/Racecar-Assets-Redshift" plugin[c4d.PREF_DATABASE_PATHS] = dbPaths # Print new paths print('New DB paths {}').format(dbPaths) except KeyError: sys.exit(1)
print('Existing DB paths {}').format(dbPaths) doesnt print anyting even though there are entries in the Databases field.
Am i doing something wrong?Regards
Bonsak -
this particular preferences plugin only loads its data when needed. To trigger that, you can call
which will internally load the data.plugin.GetDescription(c4d.DESCFLAGS_DESC_0) # Get existing paths dbPaths = plugin[c4d.PREF_DATABASE_PATHS]
best wishes,
Sebastian -
Thanks! Works like a charm!
I managed to delete my original pluginSo now im recreating it. But when i run this plugin now with the findplugin argument, it returns None. As stated higher up in the thread im trying to set custom database paths in prefs on startup.
import c4d import os, sys def PluginMessage(id, data): if id == c4d.C4DPL_PROGRAM_STARTED: # try: # Get plugin object plugin = c4d.plugins.FindPlugin(1040566) # Print plugin object print('Plugin ', plugin) plugin.GetDescription(c4d.DESCFLAGS_DESC_0) dbPaths = plugin[c4d.PREF_DATABASE_PATHS] print('Existing DB paths {}').format(dbPaths)
Any help appreciated.
Bonsak -
Ok. I figured it out. The ID was wrong. It was supposed to be 465001634