Use the Variable Name as an Argument
I have the following code that declares a variable on existing objects:
scapula_proxy = doc.SearchObject("scapula_proxy") shoulder_proxy = doc.SearchObject("shoulder_proxy") elbow_proxy = doc.SearchObject("elbow_proxy") wrist_proxy = doc.SearchObject("wrist_proxy")
As you can see, the scapula_proxy is redundant. Is there a way to streamline it like that one below (hypothetical):
scapula_proxy = doc.SearchObject(*Variable Name*)
Not sure if this is possible, but would be happy if it is as I have several lines with this format.
I also tried with the stackoverflow but the examples they have is a bit complicated and I ended up in a rabbit hole.Is there a way around this?
Thank you for looking at my problem.
In C++ I would point you at macros, but Python has none (except for some libraries which I am not knowledgeable in). A macro could do a textual replacement allowing you to write something like
which would then be transformed into that desired line.However, I suppose that is not that easy to achieve in Python, as it is mixing up two levels: the souce code level and the application data level. (Not redundant either.)
IMO it is not a good idea anyway to obfuscate the clear lines above by introducing some abbreviated codification. If you'd really need that you can write a preprocessor, but in the long term I don't think it's advisable.
my suggestion is to use Dictionary.
#Creates an list of object with value None myObjList = {"Cube.3": None , "Cube.2" : None , "Cube.1" : None, "Cube" : None } #Search the object in the document for key in myObjList.keys(): myObjList[key] = doc.SearchObject(key) #Interates trough the list and do something for key, value in myObjList.items(): if value is not None: print key, value
You can also use exec to execute python (didn't tested it)
While this is interesting, it's not related to Cinema4D but more to Python.
Manuel -
@Cairyn and @m_magalhaes
Thanks for the responses. The dictionary route seems like a good workaround.
I think I'm going with it.Have a great day ahead!