Efficient way of saving array to BaseContainer
could you please help me to find out the efficient way of saving/reading an array with a large size of vectors to BaseContainer?I could store/read each Vector in the array one by one as below, but when the size of the array is large, this method will cause performance issue.
save() { maxon::BaseArray<Vector> arrayData; BaseContainer dataBC; Int dataCount = arrayData.GetCount(); dataBC.SetInt32(XX_COUNT, dataCount); for (Int idx = 0; idx < dataCount; ++idx) { dataBC.SetVector(XX_ITEM + idx, positions[idx]); } } load() { maxon::BaseArray<Vector> arrayData; BaseContainer dataBC; Int dataCount = dataBC->GetInt32(XX_COUNT, 0); arrayData.resize(dataCount); for (Int32 idx = 0; idx < dataCount; ++idx) { arrayData[idx] = dataBC->GetVector(XX_ITEM + idx, Vector(0, 0, 0)); } }
Then I remember vertex color tag has a special way of reading the color data stored. So I think C4D supports an efficient way of save/loading large array data.
I tried the below way by storing a raw memory chunk, but it doesn't work. It seems it only stores the memory address rather than the content of the memory address, and I suspect it will have serialize/deserialize problem when the scene file is opened in another platform (operating system).save() { maxon::BaseArray<Vector> arrayData; BaseContainer dataBC; Int dataCount = dataBC->GetInt32(XX_COUNT, 0); Vector* rawData = NewMem(Vector, arrayData.GetCount()) iferr_return; MemCopy((void*)rawData, (void*)arrayData.GetFirst(), Int(sizeof(Vector) * arrayData.GetCount())); GeData data(rawData, VOIDVALUE); dataBC.SetData(XX_ITEM, data); DeleteMem(rawData); } load() { maxon::BaseArray<Vector> arrayData; Int32 dataCount = dataBC->GetInt32(XX_COUNT, 0); arrayData.resize(dataCount); const GeData& data = dataBC->GetData(XX_ITEM); Vector* rawData = (Vector *)data.GetVoid(); for (Int32 idx = 0; idx < dataCount; ++idx) { arrayData[idx] = rawData[idx]; } }
So could you please help me to find out the right efficient way of saving/reading an array with a large size of vectors to BaseContainer?
Thank you very much!
Hey @BruceC,
Thank you for reaching out to us. I assume this is about your vertex color cache?
derived types such asVertexMapTag
do not store their primary data, i.e., the "variables", in their data container. Instead, they overwriteNodeData::Read
, and::CopyTo
. We have many examples for that in the docs and code examples, I recently added this example which would be the most modern example which does that (although the case there is a bit different).Here is for example what the vertex map does when it is asked to serialize itself:
void VertexMapTag::Write(HyperFile *hf) const { SUPER::Write(hf); hf->WriteChunkStart(GetType(), VERTEXMAPTAGFILELEVEL); Int32 cnt = GetDataCount(); const Float32 *padr = GetDataAddressR(); hf->WriteInt32(cnt); if (cnt > 0) { hf->WriteArray(padr, HYPERFILEARRAY::SREAL, sizeof(Float32), cnt); } hf->WriteInt32(_samplingFields == TAG_VARIABLEFIELD ? TAG_EXPRESSION : 0); hf->WriteChunkEnd(); }
I.e., it uses
. However,BaseContainer
are internally very closely related, and I do not think that their pure read/write performance is that different. Writing all your vectors one by one is of course not going to be very fast, but you can write other containers into a container (implying that you have put them before one by one into a container), you can write maxon data, and last but not least you can write raw memory. There is an example for your exact case of storing aBaseArray<Vector>
.What to do, depends a bit on your goals. Writing and reading data fast into/from a
should not be a problem. The issue is that when you store heavy data in the data container of a node, it could end up being 'in the way' for the rest of the scene evaluation. I.e., you blow up the data container of a node to hundreds of megabytes; which usually is meant to be the size of a few kilobytes. Every time something is traversing the data container of that node or is trying to copying it, all that data would have to be carried around.I am personally a big fan of writing things into the data container of a node, as it is usually the smarter option IMHO. But heavy data should be stored outside of the data container of a node. When you just want to use a
on its own, without storing it in a node, you are fine. But I would then not understand why you are doing that.Cheers,
Ferdinand -
Thank you @ferdinand for the help!
Write raw memory does help a lot, appreciate!