Encrypt .pyp file to .pypv with script or command line?
Is it possible to encrypt .pyp files with script, like manual source protector in C4D would do it?
I thought it was possible with c4dpy, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to work.Regards.
Hi g_encryptPypFile="file" should work as explained in c4dpy - CommandLine, note that this is a general command line so you can also use Cinema 4D.
Maxime -
here is some code i used for create pypv
def call_c4dpy(C4D_PATH, cmd): # 需要把c4dpy.exe所在路径添加到环境变量 # C4D_PATH = r"~\Maxon Cinema 4D R26" if C4D_PATH not in os.environ["PATH"]: os.environ["PATH"]+=f"{C4D_PATH};" # cmd 也可以是脚本路径 cmd = r"~\c4dtest script.py" _cmd = f"c4dpy \"{cmd}\"" # 脚本路径必须是字符串 subprocess.call(_cmd) # 调用并且可以实时看到结果 def creat_pypv(C4D_PATH, plugin_path): # pyp 生成 pypv # c4dpy.exe g_encryptPypFile="G:\C4D JACK Plugins\G4Designer\G4Designer.pyp" cmd = f"c4dpy g_encryptPypFile=\"{plugin_path}\"" call_c4dpy(C4D_PATH, cmd)
Thank you, it works perfectly!