Which are tool plugin flags for Brush Selection tool, even Move tool?
Which are tool plugin flags abount Brush Selection tool, even Move tool?
I simulate the selection actions about Selection tool, even Move tool in my tool plugins. I want to get clear tool plugin flags about them. -
Hi @LingZA ,
Unfortunately I'm struggling to understand what you mean. Could you please elaborate on your use case and what the actual question is?
If you're trying to make a tool that would actually behave as a selection tool, you should consider using the PLUGINFLAG_TOOL_IS_SELECTION flag.
Note that flags can be combined together as follows:
Ilia -
Thanks, @i_mazlov.
I know what you say. But that is not my question.
I don't make the selection tool but the tools maybe like modeling tools.PLUGINFLAG_TOOL_EVALUATEHANDLES means that I can see and drag the handles of the coordinate system.
PLUGINFLAG_TOOL_SINGLECLICK means that I can select the components (points, edges or polygons) of the object or the object itself.
PLUGINFLAG_TOOL_HIGHLIGHT means that I can highlight the components before I select them to perform a pre-select operation.
PLUGINFLAG_TOOL_SNAPSETTINGS means that I can run the tool with snapping operations.
But I also want to know the difference between PLUGINFLAG_TOOL_TWEAK and PLUGINFLAG_TOOL_TWEAK_NO_HIGHLIGHT.
You know,
before we use move tool to move sometings, we select them first by using the move tool itself.
before we use modeling tool to make a modeling operation, we select the components by using the modeling tool itself.
That are selection operations of them.
I want to simulate the selection operations like them. -
F ferdinand restored this topic on
Hi @LingZA ,
Sorry for the delayed answer.
Could you please explain the result that you're trying to achieve?
It looks now that you would like to implement a modeling tool similar to Bevel, when you would like to firstly select points/edges/polys and secondly apply some changes to them. If that's the case, then you need to implement the part of your tool that selects objects. Please have a look at BaseSelect. You can also explore Flatten Polygons example.
You can find a sample code snippet below that simply selects all of the edges of the polygon. You need to be in "Edges" mode for that. Additionally you can emulate the polygon highlighting yourself.
Regarding the flags:
PLUGINFLAG_TOOL_EDITSTATES - designates that the tool supports deformed editing
PLUGINFLAG_TOOL_SWITCHACTION - allows to adjust the active tool. This works in tandem with the MSG_TOOL_SWITCHACTION message type. Namely, when the modifier (aka qualifier) key is pressed, the plugin receives this message such that it can react on this key press.
PLUGINFLAG_TOOL_NO_TOPOLOGY_EDIT - flag that informs cinema that the tool doesn't perform any topology modifications (i.e. doesn't add/remove/reassign of the polygons)
PLUGINFLAG_TOOL_TWEAK - if you click on the element that isn't currently selected, it will select it for you (so your tool can work with this selection), and will deselect it once your tool finishes
PLUGINFLAG_TOOL_TWEAK_NO_HIGHLIGHT - same as above but without highlighting the temporarily selected element
PLUGINFLAG_TOOL_DRAW_MULTIPLANE - some legacy flag that is (or at least should be) deprecated
Iliaimport c4d PLUGIN_ID = 1234321 # Be sure to use a unique ID obtained from www.plugincafe.com class MyTool(c4d.plugins.ToolData): def __init__(self): self.selectionRadius = 10 self.highlightedPolygon: int = -1 def GetState(self, doc): if doc.GetMode() != c4d.Medges: return False return c4d.CMD_ENABLED def MouseInput(self, doc, data, bd, win, msg): # Only handle left click if msg[c4d.BFM_INPUT_CHANNEL] != c4d.BFM_INPUT_MOUSELEFT: return True # Get active object op = doc.GetActiveObject() if not op: return True if self.highlightedPolygon < 0: return True # Initialize helping Neighbor struct nbr = c4d.utils.Neighbor() nbr.Init(op) polyInfo = nbr.GetPolyInfo(self.highlightedPolygon) # get polygon information bs = c4d.BaseSelect() opPolygon: c4d.CPolygon = op.GetPolygon(self.highlightedPolygon) # Iterate over sides for side in range(4): # Skip last edge if polygon is a triangle if side == 2 and opPolygon.c == opPolygon.d: continue # Select edge edgeIdx = polyInfo['edge'][side] bs.Select(edgeIdx) # Apply selection op.SetSelectedEdges(nbr, bs, c4d.EDGESELECTIONTYPE_SELECTION) c4d.EventAdd() return True def Draw(self, doc, data, bd, bh, bt, flags): selectionColor = c4d.GetViewColor(c4d.VIEWCOLOR_SELECTION_PREVIEW) if flags & c4d.TOOLDRAWFLAGS_HIGHLIGHT: # if the DrawPass is the Highlight one if self.highlightedPolygon >= 0: # Get active object op = doc.GetActiveObject() if not op: return True bd.SetMatrix_Matrix(op, op.GetMg()) # draw in global coordinates # Get points and polygon from the object opPoints: list[c4d.Vector] = op.GetAllPoints() opPolygon: c4d.CPolygon = op.GetPolygon(self.highlightedPolygon) points = [opPoints[idx] for idx in (opPolygon.a, opPolygon.b, opPolygon.c, opPolygon.d)] colors = [selectionColor for _ in points] if len(points) == 3 or len(points) == 4: bd.DrawPolygon(points, colors) # draw the polygon highlight # Draw the outline bd.SetPen(c4d.Vector(0, 1, 0)) for point1Idx in range(-1, len(points) - 1): point1, point2 = points[point1Idx], points[point1Idx + 1] bd.DrawLine(point1, point2, c4d.NOCLIP_D) return c4d.TOOLDRAW_HIGHLIGHTS def GetCursorInfo(self, doc, data, bd, x, y, bc): self.highlightedPolygon = -1 # If the cursor has left a user area, simply return True if bc.GetId() == c4d.BFM_CURSORINFO_REMOVE or doc.GetMode() != c4d.Medges: return True # Get active object op = doc.GetActiveObject() if not op: return True # Calculates the width and height of the screen bd: c4d.BaseDraw = doc.GetActiveBaseDraw() frame = bd.GetFrame() l, r, t, b = frame["cl"], frame["cr"], frame["ct"], frame["cb"] width, height = r - l + 1, b - t + 1 # Initialize viewport select vpSelect = c4d.utils.ViewportSelect() vpSelect.Init(width, height, bd, [op], c4d.Medges, True, c4d.VIEWPORTSELECTFLAGS_IGNORE_HIDDEN_SEL) c4d.SpecialEventAdd(c4d.EVMSG_UPDATEHIGHLIGHT) # pushing highlighting event to cinema # Looking for the nearest polygon and saving it's index in self.highlightedPolygon polyInfo = vpSelect.GetNearestPolygon(op, int(x), int(y), self.selectionRadius) if not polyInfo or 'i' not in polyInfo: return True polygonIdx = polyInfo['i'] if (polygonIdx < 0 or polygonIdx >= op.GetPolygonCount()): return True self.highlightedPolygon = polygonIdx return True if __name__ == "__main__": c4d.plugins.RegisterToolPlugin(id=PLUGIN_ID, str="MyTool", info=0, icon=None, help="", dat=MyTool())