Treeview Column adjust
Dear developers,
is there a solution for displaying the columns in the right width when the treeview is populated with data?
I can get the width of each cell withgeUserArea.DrawGetTextWidth("somestring")
, but I do not know how to "readjust" the columns to the right width ...class listview(): def GetColumnWidth(self, root, userdata, obj, col, area): return 40
def DrawCell(): geUserArea.DrawGetTextWidth("somestring")
current status see the overlapping on the date
desired output
regarding code, it builds on the treeview list floating around here in the forums. I do not know of a SDK Example?
thanks in advance
Hello @mogh,
Thank you for reaching out to us. I really must stress here again that we require executable code to be posted, as lined out in our Forum Guidelines. While there are sometimes questions which can be answered abstractly, both the users and we ourselves usually prefer concrete answers, i.e., something executable. When users do not provide code, doing this will be much harder for us, as we have then not only to write that code, but also do a lot of guessing.
About your question:
You must measure the objects that are passed to
. The method also passes aGeUserArea
which is conveniently setup to measure string widths. I have used an older tree view example written by Maxime (see end of the posting for the full listing of the modified code) to demonstrate the approach. The core of the example is its methodGetColumnWidth
:def GetColumnWidth(self, root, userdata, obj, col, area): """Measures the width of cells. Although this function is called #GetColumnWidth and has a #col, it is not only executed by column but by cell. So, when there is a column with items requiring the width 5, 10, and 15, then there is no need for evaluating all items. Each item can return its ideal width and Cinema 4D will then pick the largest value. Args: root (any): The root node of the tree view. userdata (any): The user data of the tree view. obj (any): The content of the current cell. col (int): The index of the column #obj is contained in. area (GeUserArea): An already initialized GeUserArea to measure the width of strings. Returns: TYPE: Description """ # The default width of a column is 80 units. width = 80 # For all calls for cells which contain a string item ... if isinstance(obj, str): # Replace the width with the text width. area is a prepopulated # user area which has already setup all the font stuff, we can # measure right away. width = area.DrawGetTextWidth(obj) return width
If this does not help in your case, we must ask for a concrete code example. As a side note - in our C++ API GUIs like yours are a much less labor-intensive task, since list views and their accompanying helper class SimpleListView can be used there.
Ferdinand"""Example for setting the column width of a tree view by the width of its items. The only changes which have been made in comparison to the original code can be found in TextureObject.__init__(), TextureObject.RandomString() and ListView.GetColumnWidth(). The tree view items #TextureObject now generate random #texturePath and #otherData strings and the treeview scales its columns to the length of these strings. Adapted from: """ import c4d import random # Be sure to use a unique ID obtained from [URL-REMOVED] PLUGIN_ID = 1000010 # TEST ID ONLY # TreeView Column IDs. ID_CHECKBOX = 1 ID_NAME = 2 ID_OTHER = 3 # A tuple of characters to select from (a-z). CHARACTERS = tuple(chr (n) for n in range(97, 122)) class TextureObject(object): """ Class which represent a texture, aka an Item in our list """ def __init__(self): self.texturePath = TextureObject.RandomString(5, 10) self.otherData = TextureObject.RandomString(10, 20) self._selected = False @staticmethod def RandomString(minLength: int, maxLength: int) -> str: """Returns a string of random characters with a length between #minLength and #maxLength. The characters are taken from the 97 (a) to 122 (z) ASCII range. """ return "".join( (random.choice(CHARACTERS) for _ in range(minLength, maxLength))) @property def IsSelected(self): return self._selected def Select(self): self._selected = True def Deselect(self): self._selected = False def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): return self.texturePath class ListView(c4d.gui.TreeViewFunctions): def __init__(self): """ """ # Add ten mock data texture objects. self.listOfTexture = [TextureObject() for _ in range(10)] def IsResizeColAllowed(self, root, userdata, lColID): return True def IsTristate(self, root, userdata): return False def GetColumnWidth(self, root, userdata, obj, col, area): """Measures the width of cells. Although this function is called #GetColumnWidth and has a #col, it is not only executed by column but by cell. So, when there is a column with items requiring the width 5, 10, and 15, then there is no need for evaluating all items. Each item can return its ideal width and Cinema 4D will then pick the largest value. Args: root (any): The root node of the tree view. userdata (any): The user data of the tree view. obj (any): The content of the current cell. col (int): The index of the column #obj is contained in. area (GeUserArea): An already initialized GeUserArea to measure the width of strings. Returns: TYPE: Description """ # The default width of a column is 80 units. width = 80 # For all calls for cells which contain a string item ... if isinstance(obj, str): # Replace the width with the text width. area is a prepopulated # user area which has already setup all the font stuff, we can # measure right away. width = area.DrawGetTextWidth(obj) return width def IsMoveColAllowed(self, root, userdata, lColID): # The user is allowed to move all columns. # TREEVIEW_MOVE_COLUMN must be set in the container of AddCustomGui. return True def GetFirst(self, root, userdata): """ Return the first element in the hierarchy, or None if there is no element. """ rValue = None if not self.listOfTexture else self.listOfTexture[0] return rValue def GetDown(self, root, userdata, obj): """ Return a child of a node, since we only want a list, we return None everytime """ return None def GetNext(self, root, userdata, obj): """ Returns the next Object to display after arg:'obj' """ rValue = None currentObjIndex = self.listOfTexture.index(obj) nextIndex = currentObjIndex + 1 if nextIndex < len(self.listOfTexture): rValue = self.listOfTexture[nextIndex] return rValue def GetPred(self, root, userdata, obj): """ Returns the previous Object to display before arg:'obj' """ rValue = None currentObjIndex = self.listOfTexture.index(obj) predIndex = currentObjIndex - 1 if 0 <= predIndex < len(self.listOfTexture): rValue = self.listOfTexture[predIndex] return rValue def GetId(self, root, userdata, obj): """ Return a unique ID for the element in the TreeView. """ return hash(obj) def Select(self, root, userdata, obj, mode): """ Called when the user selects an element. """ if mode == c4d.SELECTION_NEW: for tex in self.listOfTexture: tex.Deselect() obj.Select() elif mode == c4d.SELECTION_ADD: obj.Select() elif mode == c4d.SELECTION_SUB: obj.Deselect() def IsSelected(self, root, userdata, obj): """ Returns: True if *obj* is selected, False if not. """ return obj.IsSelected def SetCheck(self, root, userdata, obj, column, checked, msg): """ Called when the user clicks on a checkbox for an object in a `c4d.LV_CHECKBOX` column. """ if checked: obj.Select() else: obj.Deselect() def IsChecked(self, root, userdata, obj, column): """ Returns: (int): Status of the checkbox in the specified *column* for *obj*. """ if obj.IsSelected: return c4d.LV_CHECKBOX_CHECKED | c4d.LV_CHECKBOX_ENABLED else: return c4d.LV_CHECKBOX_ENABLED def GetName(self, root, userdata, obj): """ Returns the name to display for arg:'obj', only called for column of type LV_TREE """ return str(obj) # Or obj.texturePath def DrawCell(self, root, userdata, obj, col, drawinfo, bgColor): """ Draw into a Cell, only called for column of type LV_USER """ if col == ID_OTHER: name = obj.otherData geUserArea = drawinfo["frame"] w = geUserArea.DrawGetTextWidth(name) h = geUserArea.DrawGetFontHeight() xpos = drawinfo["xpos"] ypos = drawinfo["ypos"] + drawinfo["height"] drawinfo["frame"].DrawText(name, xpos, ypos - h * 1.1) def DoubleClick(self, root, userdata, obj, col, mouseinfo): """ Called when the user double-clicks on an entry in the TreeView. Returns: (bool): True if the double-click was handled, False if the default action should kick in. The default action will invoke the rename procedure for the object, causing `SetName()` to be called. """ c4d.gui.MessageDialog("You clicked on " + str(obj)) return True def DeletePressed(self, root, userdata): "Called when a delete event is received." for tex in reversed(self.listOfTexture): if tex.IsSelected: self.listOfTexture.remove(tex) class TestDialog(c4d.gui.GeDialog): _treegui = None # Our CustomGui TreeView _listView = ListView() # Our Instance of c4d.gui.TreeViewFunctions def CreateLayout(self): # Create the TreeView GUI. customgui = c4d.BaseContainer() customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_BORDER, c4d.BORDER_THIN_IN) customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_HAS_HEADER, True) # True if the tree view may have a header line. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_HIDE_LINES, False) # True if no lines should be drawn. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_MOVE_COLUMN, True) # True if the user can move the columns. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_RESIZE_HEADER, True) # True if the column width can be changed by the user. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_FIXED_LAYOUT, True) # True if all lines have the same height. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_ALTERNATE_BG, True) # Alternate background per line. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_CURSORKEYS, True) # True if cursor keys should be processed. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_NOENTERRENAME, False) # Suppresses the rename popup when the user presses enter. self._treegui = self.AddCustomGui(1000, c4d.CUSTOMGUI_TREEVIEW, "", c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT | c4d.BFV_SCALEFIT, 300, 300, customgui) if not self._treegui: print ("[ERROR]: Could not create TreeView") return False self.AddButton(1001, c4d.BFH_CENTER, name="Add") return True def InitValues(self): # Initialize the column layout for the TreeView. layout = c4d.BaseContainer() layout.SetLong(ID_CHECKBOX, c4d.LV_CHECKBOX) layout.SetLong(ID_NAME, c4d.LV_TREE) layout.SetLong(ID_OTHER, c4d.LV_USER) self._treegui.SetLayout(3, layout) # Set the header titles. self._treegui.SetHeaderText(ID_CHECKBOX, "Check") self._treegui.SetHeaderText(ID_NAME, "Name") self._treegui.SetHeaderText(ID_OTHER, "Other") self._treegui.Refresh() # Set TreeViewFunctions instance used by our CUSTOMGUI_TREEVIEW self._treegui.SetRoot(self._treegui, self._listView, None) return True def Command(self, id, msg): # Click on button if id == 1001: # Add data to our DataStructure (ListView) newID = len(self._listView.listOfTexture) + 1 tex = TextureObject("T{}".format(newID)) self._listView.listOfTexture.append(tex) # Refresh the TreeView self._treegui.Refresh() return True class MenuCommand(c4d.plugins.CommandData): dialog = None def Execute(self, doc): if self.dialog is None: self.dialog = TestDialog() return self.dialog.Open(c4d.DLG_TYPE_ASYNC, PLUGIN_ID, defaulth=600, defaultw=600) def RestoreLayout(self, sec_ref): if self.dialog is None: self.dialog = TestDialog() return self.dialog.Restore(PLUGIN_ID, secret=sec_ref) def main(): c4d.plugins.RegisterCommandPlugin( PLUGIN_ID, "Python TreeView Example", 0, None, "Python TreeView Example", MenuCommand()) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
[URL-REMOVED] @maxon: This section contained a non-resolving link which has been removed.
I'am having Forum troubles posting ... is there a max char limit ?
Replying here with a long answer with code gives me "Error: error"
kind regrads
mogh -
Hey @mogh,
Sorry for the inconvenience caused, but I probably know the issue. Try posting your content without the code snippet. I have encountered the problem twice myself, here and in another thread. My code above is formatted in a very specific way as otherwise this problem will occur.
The line:
CHARACTERS = tuple(chr (n) for n in range(97, 122))
Is very much intentional in this form, as removing the whitespace between
will raise the problem of the super descriptive error "error" ;). This also applies to normal text, you cannot have the characters chr dircetly followed by (.If the problem is caused by another section, please just use something like pastebin for now and I will have a look what causes the problem.
Ferdinand -
@ferdinand Thank you again, and I am sorry, for not following the guidelines, need to print them out I guess. Also forgot to "Ask a Question"
I understand the concept (or perhaps not at all) but even in your example it only takes the string of the "first" column (because obj always returns its "name" not its other variables) and after putting a print inside the
I figured its never trigered ?I modified the code so the button inserts a long string after the treeview was established to illustrate it.
Regarding Cloumn -> I guess I have to evaluate the column and then get the coresponding variable from the object to measure the right width?
print(obj, col, area.DrawGetTextWidth(obj)) if isinstance(obj, str): # Replace the width with the text width. area is a prepopulated # user area which has already setup all the font stuff, we can # measure right away. width = area.DrawGetTextWidth(obj) print(width) return width
Full code with working Button:
"""Example for setting the column width of a tree view by the width of its items. The only changes which have been made in comparison to the original code can be found in TextureObject.__init__(), TextureObject.RandomString() and ListView.GetColumnWidth(). The tree view items #TextureObject now generate random #texturePath and #otherData strings and the treeview scales its columns to the length of these strings. Adapted from: """ import c4d import random # Be sure to use a unique ID obtained from [URL-REMOVED] PLUGIN_ID = 1000010 # TEST ID ONLY # TreeView Column IDs. ID_CHECKBOX = 1 ID_NAME = 2 ID_OTHER = 3 ID_LONGFILENAME = 4 # A tuple of characters to select from (a-z). CHARACTERS = tuple( chr ( n) for n in range(97, 122)) class TextureObject(object): """ Class which represent a texture, aka an Item in our list """ def __init__(self): self.texturePath = TextureObject.RandomString(5, 10) self.otherData = TextureObject.RandomString(5, 20) self.longfilename = "-" self._selected = False @staticmethod def RandomString(minLength: int, maxLength: int) -> str: """Returns a string of random characters with a length between #minLength and #maxLength. The characters are taken from the 97 (a) to 122 (z) ASCII range. """ return "".join( (random.choice(CHARACTERS) for _ in range(minLength, maxLength))) @property def IsSelected(self): return self._selected def Select(self): self._selected = True def Deselect(self): self._selected = False def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): return self.texturePath class ListView(c4d.gui.TreeViewFunctions): def __init__(self): """ """ # Add ten mock data texture objects. self.listOfTexture = [TextureObject() for _ in range(10)] def IsResizeColAllowed(self, root, userdata, lColID): return True def IsTristate(self, root, userdata): return False def GetColumnWidth(self, root, userdata, obj, col, area): """Measures the width of cells. Although this function is called #GetColumnWidth and has a #col, it is not only executed by column but by cell. So, when there is a column with items requiring the width 5, 10, and 15, then there is no need for evaluating all items. Each item can return its ideal width and Cinema 4D will then pick the largest value. Args: root (any): The root node of the tree view. userdata (any): The user data of the tree view. obj (any): The content of the current cell. col (int): The index of the column #obj is contained in. area (GeUserArea): An already initialized GeUserArea to measure the width of strings. Returns: TYPE: Description """ # The default width of a column is 80 units. width = 80 # For all calls for cells which contain a string item ... print(obj, col, area.DrawGetTextWidth(obj)) if isinstance(obj, str): # Replace the width with the text width. area is a prepopulated # user area which has already setup all the font stuff, we can # measure right away. width = area.DrawGetTextWidth(obj) print(width) return width def IsMoveColAllowed(self, root, userdata, lColID): # The user is allowed to move all columns. # TREEVIEW_MOVE_COLUMN must be set in the container of AddCustomGui. return True def GetFirst(self, root, userdata): """ Return the first element in the hierarchy, or None if there is no element. """ rValue = None if not self.listOfTexture else self.listOfTexture[0] return rValue def GetDown(self, root, userdata, obj): """ Return a child of a node, since we only want a list, we return None everytime """ return None def GetNext(self, root, userdata, obj): """ Returns the next Object to display after arg:'obj' """ rValue = None currentObjIndex = self.listOfTexture.index(obj) nextIndex = currentObjIndex + 1 if nextIndex < len(self.listOfTexture): rValue = self.listOfTexture[nextIndex] return rValue def GetPred(self, root, userdata, obj): """ Returns the previous Object to display before arg:'obj' """ rValue = None currentObjIndex = self.listOfTexture.index(obj) predIndex = currentObjIndex - 1 if 0 <= predIndex < len(self.listOfTexture): rValue = self.listOfTexture[predIndex] return rValue def GetId(self, root, userdata, obj): """ Return a unique ID for the element in the TreeView. """ return hash(obj) def Select(self, root, userdata, obj, mode): """ Called when the user selects an element. """ if mode == c4d.SELECTION_NEW: for tex in self.listOfTexture: tex.Deselect() obj.Select() elif mode == c4d.SELECTION_ADD: obj.Select() elif mode == c4d.SELECTION_SUB: obj.Deselect() def IsSelected(self, root, userdata, obj): """ Returns: True if *obj* is selected, False if not. """ return obj.IsSelected def SetCheck(self, root, userdata, obj, column, checked, msg): """ Called when the user clicks on a checkbox for an object in a `c4d.LV_CHECKBOX` column. """ if checked: obj.Select() else: obj.Deselect() def IsChecked(self, root, userdata, obj, column): """ Returns: (int): Status of the checkbox in the specified *column* for *obj*. """ if obj.IsSelected: return c4d.LV_CHECKBOX_CHECKED | c4d.LV_CHECKBOX_ENABLED else: return c4d.LV_CHECKBOX_ENABLED def GetName(self, root, userdata, obj): """ Returns the name to display for arg:'obj', only called for column of type LV_TREE """ return str(obj) # Or obj.texturePath def DrawCell(self, root, userdata, obj, col, drawinfo, bgColor): """ Draw into a Cell, only called for column of type LV_USER """ if col == ID_OTHER: name = obj.otherData geUserArea = drawinfo["frame"] w = geUserArea.DrawGetTextWidth(name) h = geUserArea.DrawGetFontHeight() xpos = drawinfo["xpos"] ypos = drawinfo["ypos"] + drawinfo["height"] drawinfo["frame"].DrawText(name, xpos, ypos - int(h * 1.1)) if col == ID_LONGFILENAME: name = obj.longfilename geUserArea = drawinfo["frame"] w = geUserArea.DrawGetTextWidth(name) h = geUserArea.DrawGetFontHeight() xpos = drawinfo["xpos"] ypos = drawinfo["ypos"] + drawinfo["height"] drawinfo["frame"].DrawText(name, xpos, ypos - int(h * 1.1)) def DoubleClick(self, root, userdata, obj, col, mouseinfo): """ Called when the user double-clicks on an entry in the TreeView. Returns: (bool): True if the double-click was handled, False if the default action should kick in. The default action will invoke the rename procedure for the object, causing `SetName()` to be called. """ c4d.gui.MessageDialog("You clicked on " + str(obj)) return True def DeletePressed(self, root, userdata): "Called when a delete event is received." for tex in reversed(self.listOfTexture): if tex.IsSelected: self.listOfTexture.remove(tex) class TestDialog(c4d.gui.GeDialog): _treegui = None # Our CustomGui TreeView _listView = ListView() # Our Instance of c4d.gui.TreeViewFunctions def CreateLayout(self): # Create the TreeView GUI. customgui = c4d.BaseContainer() customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_BORDER, c4d.BORDER_THIN_IN) customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_HAS_HEADER, True) # True if the tree view may have a header line. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_HIDE_LINES, True) # True if no lines should be drawn. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_MOVE_COLUMN, True) # True if the user can move the columns. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_RESIZE_HEADER, True) # True if the column width can be changed by the user. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_FIXED_LAYOUT, True) # True if all lines have the same height. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_ALTERNATE_BG, True) # Alternate background per line. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_CURSORKEYS, True) # True if cursor keys should be processed. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_NOENTERRENAME, False) # Suppresses the rename popup when the user presses enter. self._treegui = self.AddCustomGui(1000, c4d.CUSTOMGUI_TREEVIEW, "", c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT | c4d.BFV_SCALEFIT, 300, 300, customgui) if not self._treegui: print("[ERROR]: Could not create TreeView") return False self.AddButton(1001, c4d.BFH_CENTER, name="Add") return True def InitValues(self): # Initialize the column layout for the TreeView. layout = c4d.BaseContainer() layout.SetLong(ID_CHECKBOX, c4d.LV_CHECKBOX) layout.SetLong(ID_NAME, c4d.LV_TREE) layout.SetLong(ID_LONGFILENAME, c4d.LV_USER) layout.SetLong(ID_OTHER, c4d.LV_USER) self._treegui.SetLayout(4, layout) # Set the header titles. self._treegui.SetHeaderText(ID_CHECKBOX, "Check") self._treegui.SetHeaderText(ID_NAME, "Name") self._treegui.SetHeaderText(ID_LONGFILENAME, "Long Filename") self._treegui.SetHeaderText(ID_OTHER, "Other") self._treegui.Refresh() # Set TreeViewFunctions instance used by our CUSTOMGUI_TREEVIEW self._treegui.SetRoot(self._treegui, self._listView, None) return True def Command(self, id, msg): # Click on button if id == 1001: # Add data to our DataStructure (ListView) newID = int(len(self._listView.listOfTexture) + 1) # print(newID) # newID = "T{}".format(newID) # print(newID) # tex = TextureObject(newID) tex = TextureObject() tex.texturePath = "Some new data" tex.longfilename = TextureObject.RandomString(20, 80) self._listView.listOfTexture.append(tex) # Refresh the TreeView self._treegui.Refresh() return True class MenuCommand(c4d.plugins.CommandData): dialog = None def Execute(self, doc): if self.dialog is None: self.dialog = TestDialog() return self.dialog.Open(c4d.DLG_TYPE_ASYNC, PLUGIN_ID, defaulth=600, defaultw=600) def RestoreLayout(self, sec_ref): if self.dialog is None: self.dialog = TestDialog() return self.dialog.Restore(PLUGIN_ID, secret=sec_ref) def main(): c4d.plugins.RegisterCommandPlugin( PLUGIN_ID, "Python TreeView Example", 0, None, "Python TreeView Example", MenuCommand()) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
thank you
[URL-REMOVED] @maxon: This section contained a non-resolving link which has been removed.
Hey @mogh,
I made a little mistake in my method, you do not get passed in the cell item but the list view item for the cell as
, i.e., theTextureObject
in this case. So, you must pick the right attribute to evaluate which will fix the problem. The correct code is (based on your listing):def GetColumnWidth(self, root, userdata, obj, col, area): """Measures the width of cells. Although this function is called #GetColumnWidth and has a #col, it is not only executed by column but by cell. So, when there is a column with items requiring the width 5, 10, and 15, then there is no need for evaluating all items. Each item can return its ideal width and Cinema 4D will then pick the largest value. Args: root (any): The root node of the tree view. userdata (any): The user data of the tree view. obj (any): The item for the current cell. col (int): The index of the column #obj is contained in. area (GeUserArea): An already initialized GeUserArea to measure the width of strings. Returns: TYPE: Description """ # The default width of a column is 80 units. width = 80 if col == ID_NAME: return area.DrawGetTextWidth(obj.texturePath) + 5 if col == ID_OTHER: return area.DrawGetTextWidth(obj.otherData) + 5 if col == ID_LONGFILENAME: return area.DrawGetTextWidth(obj.longfilename) + 5 return width
I first went into the wrong direction and started poking around in the cell drawing in
, where I added the...
- thing when something is too short for the content. It is not required, but I left it in. Find the full code below.Cheers,
FerdinandThe result (I intentionally scaled down the column "Other" to show the "..." thing):
The code:
"""Example for setting the column width of a tree view by the width of its items. The only changes which have been made in comparison to the original code can be found in TextureObject.__init__(), TextureObject.RandomString() and ListView.GetColumnWidth(). The tree view items #TextureObject now generate random #texturePath and #otherData strings and the treeview scales its columns to the length of these strings. Adapted from: """ import c4d import random # Be sure to use a unique ID obtained from [URL-REMOVED] PLUGIN_ID = 1000010 # TEST ID ONLY # TreeView Column IDs. ID_CHECKBOX = 1 ID_NAME = 2 ID_OTHER = 3 ID_LONGFILENAME = 4 # A tuple of characters to select from (a-z). CHARACTERS = tuple( chr ( n) for n in range(97, 122)) class TextureObject(object): """ Class which represent a texture, aka an Item in our list """ def __init__(self): self.texturePath = TextureObject.RandomString(5, 10) self.otherData = TextureObject.RandomString(5, 20) self.longfilename = "-" self._selected = False @staticmethod def RandomString(minLength: int, maxLength: int) -> str: """Returns a string of random characters with a length between #minLength and #maxLength. The characters are taken from the 97 (a) to 122 (z) ASCII range. """ return "".join( (random.choice(CHARACTERS) for _ in range(minLength, maxLength))) @property def IsSelected(self): return self._selected def Select(self): self._selected = True def Deselect(self): self._selected = False def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): return self.texturePath class ListView(c4d.gui.TreeViewFunctions): def __init__(self): """ """ # Add ten mock data texture objects. self.listOfTexture = [TextureObject() for _ in range(10)] def IsResizeColAllowed(self, root, userdata, lColID): return True def IsTristate(self, root, userdata): return False def GetColumnWidth(self, root, userdata, obj, col, area): """Measures the width of cells. Although this function is called #GetColumnWidth and has a #col, it is not only executed by column but by cell. So, when there is a column with items requiring the width 5, 10, and 15, then there is no need for evaluating all items. Each item can return its ideal width and Cinema 4D will then pick the largest value. Args: root (any): The root node of the tree view. userdata (any): The user data of the tree view. obj (any): The item for the current cell. col (int): The index of the column #obj is contained in. area (GeUserArea): An already initialized GeUserArea to measure the width of strings. Returns: TYPE: Description """ # The default width of a column is 80 units. width = 80 # Replace the width with the text width. area is a prepopulated # user area which has already setup all the font stuff, we can # measure right away. if col == ID_NAME: return area.DrawGetTextWidth(obj.texturePath) + 5 if col == ID_OTHER: return area.DrawGetTextWidth(obj.otherData) + 5 if col == ID_LONGFILENAME: return area.DrawGetTextWidth(obj.longfilename) + 5 return width def IsMoveColAllowed(self, root, userdata, lColID): # The user is allowed to move all columns. # TREEVIEW_MOVE_COLUMN must be set in the container of AddCustomGui. return True def GetFirst(self, root, userdata): """ Return the first element in the hierarchy, or None if there is no element. """ rValue = None if not self.listOfTexture else self.listOfTexture[0] return rValue def GetDown(self, root, userdata, obj): """ Return a child of a node, since we only want a list, we return None everytime """ return None def GetNext(self, root, userdata, obj): """ Returns the next Object to display after arg:'obj' """ rValue = None currentObjIndex = self.listOfTexture.index(obj) nextIndex = currentObjIndex + 1 if nextIndex < len(self.listOfTexture): rValue = self.listOfTexture[nextIndex] return rValue def GetPred(self, root, userdata, obj): """ Returns the previous Object to display before arg:'obj' """ rValue = None currentObjIndex = self.listOfTexture.index(obj) predIndex = currentObjIndex - 1 if 0 <= predIndex < len(self.listOfTexture): rValue = self.listOfTexture[predIndex] return rValue def GetId(self, root, userdata, obj): """ Return a unique ID for the element in the TreeView. """ return hash(obj) def Select(self, root, userdata, obj, mode): """ Called when the user selects an element. """ if mode == c4d.SELECTION_NEW: for tex in self.listOfTexture: tex.Deselect() obj.Select() elif mode == c4d.SELECTION_ADD: obj.Select() elif mode == c4d.SELECTION_SUB: obj.Deselect() def IsSelected(self, root, userdata, obj): """ Returns: True if *obj* is selected, False if not. """ return obj.IsSelected def SetCheck(self, root, userdata, obj, column, checked, msg): """ Called when the user clicks on a checkbox for an object in a `c4d.LV_CHECKBOX` column. """ if checked: obj.Select() else: obj.Deselect() def IsChecked(self, root, userdata, obj, column): """ Returns: (int): Status of the checkbox in the specified *column* for *obj*. """ if obj.IsSelected: return c4d.LV_CHECKBOX_CHECKED | c4d.LV_CHECKBOX_ENABLED else: return c4d.LV_CHECKBOX_ENABLED def GetName(self, root, userdata, obj): """ Returns the name to display for arg:'obj', only called for column of type LV_TREE """ return str(obj) # Or obj.texturePath def DrawCell(self, root, userdata, obj, col, drawinfo, bgColor): """ Draw into a Cell, only called for column of type LV_USER """ if col in (ID_OTHER, ID_LONGFILENAME): text = obj.otherData if col == ID_OTHER else obj.longfilename canvas = drawinfo["frame"] textWidth = canvas.DrawGetTextWidth(text) textHeight = canvas.DrawGetFontHeight() xpos = drawinfo["xpos"] ypos = drawinfo["ypos"] + drawinfo["height"] if (drawinfo["width"] < textWidth): while (drawinfo["width"] < textWidth): if len(text) <= 4: text = "..." break text = text[:-4] + "..." textWidth = canvas.DrawGetTextWidth(text) textWidth = canvas.DrawGetTextWidth(text) drawinfo["frame"].DrawText(text, xpos, ypos - int(textHeight * 1.1)) def DoubleClick(self, root, userdata, obj, col, mouseinfo): """ Called when the user double-clicks on an entry in the TreeView. Returns: (bool): True if the double-click was handled, False if the default action should kick in. The default action will invoke the rename procedure for the object, causing `SetName()` to be called. """ c4d.gui.MessageDialog("You clicked on " + str(obj)) return True def DeletePressed(self, root, userdata): "Called when a delete event is received." for tex in reversed(self.listOfTexture): if tex.IsSelected: self.listOfTexture.remove(tex) class TestDialog(c4d.gui.GeDialog): _treegui = None # Our CustomGui TreeView _listView = ListView() # Our Instance of c4d.gui.TreeViewFunctions def CreateLayout(self): # Create the TreeView GUI. customgui = c4d.BaseContainer() customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_BORDER, c4d.BORDER_THIN_IN) customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_HAS_HEADER, True) # True if the tree view may have a header line. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_HIDE_LINES, True) # True if no lines should be drawn. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_MOVE_COLUMN, True) # True if the user can move the columns. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_RESIZE_HEADER, True) # True if the column width can be changed by the user. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_FIXED_LAYOUT, True) # True if all lines have the same height. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_ALTERNATE_BG, True) # Alternate background per line. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_CURSORKEYS, True) # True if cursor keys should be processed. customgui.SetBool(c4d.TREEVIEW_NOENTERRENAME, False) # Suppresses the rename popup when the user presses enter. self._treegui = self.AddCustomGui(1000, c4d.CUSTOMGUI_TREEVIEW, "", c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT | c4d.BFV_SCALEFIT, 300, 300, customgui) if not self._treegui: print("[ERROR]: Could not create TreeView") return False self.AddButton(1001, c4d.BFH_CENTER, name="Add") return True def InitValues(self): # Initialize the column layout for the TreeView. layout = c4d.BaseContainer() layout.SetLong(ID_CHECKBOX, c4d.LV_CHECKBOX) layout.SetLong(ID_NAME, c4d.LV_TREE) layout.SetLong(ID_LONGFILENAME, c4d.LV_USER) layout.SetLong(ID_OTHER, c4d.LV_USER) self._layout = layout self._treegui.SetLayout(4, layout) # Set the header titles. self._treegui.SetHeaderText(ID_CHECKBOX, "Check") self._treegui.SetHeaderText(ID_NAME, "Name") self._treegui.SetHeaderText(ID_LONGFILENAME, "Long Filename") self._treegui.SetHeaderText(ID_OTHER, "Other") self._treegui.Refresh() # Set TreeViewFunctions instance used by our CUSTOMGUI_TREEVIEW self._treegui.SetRoot(self._treegui, self._listView, None) return True def Command(self, id, msg): # Click on button if id == 1001: # Add data to our DataStructure (ListView) newID = int(len(self._listView.listOfTexture) + 1) # print(newID) # newID = "T{}".format(newID) # print(newID) # tex = TextureObject(newID) tex = TextureObject() tex.texturePath = "Some new data" tex.longfilename = TextureObject.RandomString(20, 40) self._listView.listOfTexture.append(tex) self._treegui.Refresh() return True class MenuCommand(c4d.plugins.CommandData): dialog = None def Execute(self, doc): if self.dialog is None: self.dialog = TestDialog() return self.dialog.Open(c4d.DLG_TYPE_ASYNC, PLUGIN_ID, defaulth=600, defaultw=600) def RestoreLayout(self, sec_ref): if self.dialog is None: self.dialog = TestDialog() return self.dialog.Restore(PLUGIN_ID, secret=sec_ref) def main(): c4d.plugins.RegisterCommandPlugin( PLUGIN_ID, "Python TreeView Example", 0, None, "Python TreeView Example", MenuCommand()) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
[URL-REMOVED] @maxon: This section contained a non-resolving link which has been removed.
Thanks ferdinand as allways you are the best.
I call this solved, the problems I encounter in my project are my own ... after cleaning my code - solving sorting ascending / descening will be next ...
Hey @mogh,
Thank you for the kind words and I am happy that this solved your problem.
While I sometimes channel here my inner librarian and press for a formal order for new topics, so that the SDK Team can answer them effectively, I want to make clear that all Cinema 4D programming questions are welcome on Plugin CafΓ©.
Just remember to open a new topic for new questions and to place them in the General Talk forum when they are general programming questions not directly related to our APIs. We will treat them then with a lower priority and rigor, but we usually also answer there.