Set Xray in GetVirtualObjects()
Hi all, i'm trying to generate an XRAY pyramid inside the GetVirtualObjects() without luck.
Here my source code:BaseObject* pyramid = BaseObject::Alloc(Ocone); if (pyramid) { BaseContainer* cone_bc = pyramid->GetDataInstance(); const Float pyra_height = 0.75; const Vector v1 = Vector(0.0, 1.0, 0.0); const Vector v2 = Vector(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); const Vector v3 = Vector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); const Vector center = bot_pos + Vector(0.0, pyra_height, 0.0); const Matrix mg = Matrix(center, v2, v1, v3); pyramid->SetMg(mg); cone_bc->SetFloat(PRIM_CONE_TRAD, mid_lower * supp_scale); cone_bc->SetFloat(PRIM_CONE_BRAD, mid_lower * 2.0 * supp_scale); cone_bc->SetFloat(PRIM_CONE_HEIGHT, pyra_height); cone_bc->SetFloat(PRIM_CONE_HSUB, 1); cone_bc->SetFloat(PRIM_CONE_SEG, subdivision); cone_bc->SetBool(PRIM_CONE_CAPS, true); cone_bc->SetInt32(PRIM_CONE_CSUB, 1); cone_bc->SetInt32(PRIM_CONE_FSUB, fstep); // Try to set Xray --------------------------- ObjectColorProperties prop; pyramid->GetColorProperties(&prop); prop.xray = true; pyramid->SetColorProperties(&prop); pyramid->SetParameter(ID_BASEOBJECT_XRAY, GeData(TRUE), DESCFLAGS_SET_0); pyramid->Message(MSG_UPDATE); // Try also with Container ------------------- cone_bc->SetBool(ID_BASEOBJECT_XRAY, true); doc->InsertObject(pyramid, ret, nullptr); }
Thanks in advance
Renato T. -
I just checked with a Python generator, and it works, so at least it is not a general problem in virtual objects
def main(): pyramid = c4d.BaseObject(c4d.Ocone) if pyramid == None: return None pyramid[c4d.PRIM_CONE_SEG] = 4 pyramid[c4d.ID_BASEOBJECT_XRAY] = True return pyramid
(but maybe I don't get your code; why are you inserting the object into the doc instead of returning it? I may be looking for the wrong context here)
Thanks Cairyn for the test.
Yes, is a right question
... let me check.
Ok, I miss to use OBJECT_USECACHECOLOR. I found it on this older post: -
Hi @RenatoT thanks for reaching out us.
By looking at the code it's clear that your intent is to change the visual appearance of a portion of the cache and this can only be done registering the ObjectData with
. This, at the same time, comes with the drawback that the user can't change anything about the visual appearance of the object from AM.Different could be to set the
parameter's value intercepting theMSG_MENUPREPARE
but in this case, while the user retains the option to change the visual appearance, the whole geometry of the cache is affected.def GetVirtualObjects(self, op, hh): res = c4d.BaseObject(c4d.Osphere) if res is not None: pyramid = c4d.BaseObject(c4d.Ocone) if pyramid is not None: pyramid.InsertUnder(res) return c4d.BaseObject(c4d.Onull) def Message(self, node, type, data): if type==c4d.MSG_MENUPREPARE: node[c4d.ID_BASEOBJECT_XRAY] = True return True
Last but not least, be aware that you're misusing the
: for the scope of inserting the pyramid under the object returned by theObjectData::GetVirtualObjects()
it's more appropriate to useGeListNode::InsertUnder()
Cheers, R
Thanks R, the insert was an error, i already corrected. OBJECT_USECACHECOLOR work as expected