DrawMultipleHUDText issue
Hello PluginCafe!
I'm using Draw() method if TagData plugin for displaying multiple text values but I can't figure out, how the DrawMultipleHUDText works.
Let's assume I have a list of strings
abc = [ "Hello", "World", ]
And a list of vectors (Usually I'm importing c4d.Vector as v)
xyz = [v(0,100,0), v(0,200,0)]
How should I pass them into DrawMultipleHUDText?
I tried this method and it does not work.
def Draw(self, tag, op, bd, bh): abc = ["Hello", "World"] xyz = [v(0, 100, 0), v(0, 200, 0)] values = {'_txt': abc, "_position": xyz} bd.DrawMultipleHUDText(values) return c4d.DRAWRESULT_OK
I want to display these values on top of other viewport elements.
Seems like I figured this out but it's kinda complicated.
def Draw(self, tag, op, bd, bh): values0 = [{'_txt': "Hello", "_position": v(100,100,0)},{'_txt': "World", "_position": v(200,200,0)}] bd.DrawMultipleHUDText(values0) return c4d.DRAWRESULT_OK
The method above causes shading problems which can be solved by enabling depth option.
But it's still displayed on the background. Is it possible to bring it to the front?
I can resume your question to "Drawing something in front of everything"
It's possible in a SCENEHOOK (witch is not supported in python).
did you try to change the BaseDraw matrix ?
I can point you to this thread the "solution" is to set the matrix of the BaseDraw so the drawing is done really near the camera. Be aware you can have issue with the clipping functions.
hope this help.
Manuel -
setting the matrix to screen seems to work.
""" Draw multiple text From Tag """ import c4d from c4d import plugins, utils, bitmaps, gui # Be sure to use a unique ID obtained from www.plugincafe.com PLUGIN_ID = 1052927 class TDRAW_EXAMPLE(c4d.plugins.TagData): def Draw(self, tag, op, bd, bh): # Returns if object is not a polygon object if not op.IsInstanceOf(c4d.Opolygon): return c4d.DRAWRESULT_OK # Retrieves the Object Matrix opMg = op.GetMg() # Retrieves All Points points = op.GetAllPoints() # Retrieves Global Coordinates points = [opMg * p for p in points] # From world to screen Coordinates (in another array) screenPoints = [ bd.WS(p) for p in points ] # Prepares the dictionary for the draw multipleHUDText Draw Point Coordinates (world space) at screenPoint Position. value = [ { "_txt" : "point " + str(i) + " " + str(pos[0]) , "_position" : pos[1] } for i, pos in enumerate(zip(points, screenPoints)) ] # Sets the matrix to screen space bd.SetMatrix_Screen() # Enables depth buffer. bd.SetDepth(True) # Draws points indices at point coordinates bd.DrawMultipleHUDText(value) return c4d.DRAWRESULT_OK def Execute(self, tag, doc, op, bt, priority, flags): return c4d.EXECUTIONRESULT_OK if __name__ == "__main__": # Register the tag c4d.plugins.RegisterTagPlugin(id=PLUGIN_ID, str="Tag that draw on viewport", info=c4d.TAG_EXPRESSION | c4d.TAG_VISIBLE, g=TDRAW_EXAMPLE, description="tdrawexample", icon=None)
#ifndef __TDRAWEXAMPLE_H__ #define __TDRAWEXAMPLE_H__ enum { }; #endif // __pc11519_H__
CONTAINER tdrawexample { NAME tdrawexample; INCLUDE Obase; GROUP ID_OBJECTPROPERTIES { } }
STRINGTABLE tdrawexample { tdrawexample "Draw on viewport from tag"; }
enum { // End of symbol definition _DUMMY_ELEMENT_ };
Manuel -
OMG! You just wrote the entire plugin for my silly question.
Thank You!!!I have only one question.
Why did you use
Draw(self, op, drawpass, bd, bh)
instead of
Draw(self, tag, op, bd, bh)
will notdrawpass
be treated as op andop
as atag
? -
@merkvilson cause i started from an old ObjectData project and i didn't changed the signature xD
And exact, the name changed but not the object of course.so, now you don't even need to retrieve the object from the tag
I've updated the code.
(always refresh your mind before starting another project ^^)
Manuel -
OK. Now I get it.
Thank you very much! I really appreciate what you've done.
Have a good day!