Hello PluginCafe!I need to apply SetDirty() function only after finishing the manipulation process of the desired parameter.
Something like this is implemented in the material preview.
The update takes place only after ~0.5 seconds after finishing the manipulation.
So, I tried to check updates via MSG_DESCRIPTION_CHECKUPDATE and calculate the time by utilizing timeit module
start = timeit.default_timer() #Start Timer if type == c4d.MSG_DESCRIPTION_CHECKUPDATE: if data["descid"][0].id == TEST_SLIDER: #Check if TEST_SLIDERis updated end = timeit.default_timer() #End Timer if end - start > 1: #Do something if time took more than 1 sec self.bmp.SetDirty() node.SetDirty(c4d.DIRTYFLAGS_DATA)
But unfortunately, I can't find the solution in the documentation.
What am I doing wrong and how to do this properly?
you could react to the message
which is sent after the user stopped interacting with the parameter in the Attribute Manager.You find a list of related messages in the NodeData::Message() Manual.
best wishes,
Sebastian -
Is this feature available for Python?
Nice it works with python but how to check only one parameter instead of everything?
something like this
if type == c4d.MSG_DESCRIPTION_USERINTERACTION_END: if data["descid"][0].id == TEST_SLIDER: print "Finished"
the message MSG_DESCRIPTION_USERINTERACTION_END has no data. You could store the old value of the parameter in question and check if that value has changed.
best wishes,