Navie OS - GitHub
On 22/11/2013 at 10:35, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi folks,
following others and liking the idea I also created a GitHub repository where I will post open source code. Most of the code will be released into the public domain so I hope it is helpful to somebody.
Here is the link to our GitHub page:
There is already simple (but old) plugin code available.
On 22/11/2013 at 12:08, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Thanks for the code.
Could you please post the .res file for that plugin?
I'm having some troubles with creating a working plugin without it.I'm also having trouble with "all_frames". It's yelling at me that it needs a pointer type.
And it's hard to figure out how to fix that with all of those missing .res file references yelling at me too.-ScottA
On 22/11/2013 at 12:23, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Can you tell me what the compiler exactly says about all_frames? It should work fine.
Edit: Ah of course. Dude, I am tired probably.
I have added the resources.
On 22/11/2013 at 12:55, xxxxxxxx wrote:
It's always bumpy trying to convert old R11.5 code to R13.
Theses were the missing references
The pointer problem is coming from this.
class RamPlayerDlg : public GeDialog { private: typedef std::vector<BaseBitmap*> VideoFrames; VideoFrames all_frames; //You don't use a pointer to create this variable etc...
So I'm attempting to fix it like this:
ms->Open(fn,all_frames->at(0),fps,1122,&bc,NULL); //your code with pointer error ms->Open(fn,,fps,1122,&bc,NULL); //my fixed version of the code
Lots of other stuff too that needs changing in order to work in R13.
But I'll get them all eventually. It's just a bit of work. But especially tough without the reference stuff.I'll go take a look at your updates now.
Thanks again,
-ScottA -
On 23/11/2013 at 06:17, xxxxxxxx wrote:
ah yes, of course it must access the container with a point. I fixed the code on GitHub.
Yeah, the IDs should be in the resource files (c4d_symbols).
The Filter type and File loading flags probably must be renamed to the according ones in R13. And for R15, the LONG type should be converted to Int32 (and according functions like ToString() etc. as well).
If I find the time I'll update the GitHub code accordingly (or upload compatible files..).
Thanks for the feedback Scott
On 23/11/2013 at 07:47, xxxxxxxx wrote:
No worries. I've got it all converted and working in R13 now.
There was quite a lot of code to change. And the StringToLong() code needed to be changed to the newer GeData version.
You also didn't include the string values for the menu items. So I wrote my own using your IDs.I'm not a member of GitHub. So I can't post the files there.
But if you want my R13 source files. I'd be very happy to send them to you via e-mail.-ScottA
On 23/11/2013 at 08:42, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Hey Scott,
sure send them along and I'll update the repository accordingly.
Samir -
On 23/11/2013 at 08:51, xxxxxxxx wrote:
I don't have your e-mail address.
Send me a PM with it. Or e-mail me at: [email protected]
And I'll send them to you.-ScottA
On 23/11/2013 at 09:40, xxxxxxxx wrote:
I have now updated the repository and cleaned it a little bit as well.
Thanks to Scott for taking the time to make it R13 compatible. He also provided a compiled R13Win version (32/64).